Advocating and Career Opportunities

Allies are needed to support Deaf communities to be treated equal, to understand their culture, to gain access to jobs, schools, training and more.

Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities, this document protects and gives equal access to people with disabilities. NAD supports this document.

161 Countries ratified. The US has not, why? the US feels they need to control this, and not a foreign institution. Is the US being unfair?

Advocacy: Pleading, supporting, recommending a cause or a person.

Deaf Communities need support bringing barriers down, fear to interact with Deaf people down, discrimination down, etc. Hearing and Deaf together for a better future.

Rich History: Abbe de l'Eppe, Laurent Clerc, Thomas Gallaudet.

Milan Congress 1881Hearing educators teaching Deaf students

Deaf and Hearing working together advocating for Deaf Communities

Teachers: K-12 bilingual ASL & English

Interpreters: The bridge between Deaf and Hearing world in communication

Must be Fluent, professional, ethical, prepared with credentials, must have skills and understand the Deaf Culture

Early Childhood Educators: Nursery, Pre-K, Kinder ASL/English

Audiologist: Evaluates the hearing level, ASL skills, understands culturally Deaf, recommends hearing technology or ASL.

Speech and Language Therapist: Works with audiologist, develop spoken language for Deaf and HH. Can help with ASL & English learning

Vocational Rehabilitation and Job Coaches: They prepare Deaf people to obtain employment, they support the Deaf person to learn and complete the job

Mental Health Service Provider: Hotline volunteers, Mental H. Counselors, School Counselors, Social Workers, Clinical Psychologist.

EMT: Health service providers, they can communicate with Deaf patients while evaluating and transporting the patient to the hospital

Other careers: Hairdresser, computer technician, cafeteria worker, police officer, teacher, CRT officer, and more.

Infant Screen Hearing and Intervention Act 1999

Sign language should be clear and accurate. Interpreters must be processional and should translate the right words.

Must have skills, qualified, accurate translations, know terminology for each situation like medicine, law, engineering,