BIT Course Structure



2nd year


3rd year

3rd year

4th year

1st year

1st sem

2nd sem

1st sem

2nd sem

3rd sem

4th sem

5th sem

6th sem

7th sem

8th sem

Concepts and Technologies of AI

Object-Oriented Design and Programming

Numerical Methods and Concurrency

Distributed and Cloud System Programming

Collaborative Development

Human Computer Interaction

Complex System

High Performance Computing

Project and Professionalism

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Final Year Project

Big Data

Principles of Management

Operating System

Numerical methods

Database Management System

Data Structure and Algorithm

Network and Data Communications

System Analysis and Design

Operations research

Artificial Intelligence

Web Technology- I

Computer Graphics

Information Security

Technical Writing

Software Engineering

Web Technology- II

Management Information System

Research Methodology

Database Administration

Elective 1

Net-Centric Computing

Software Project Management

E- commerce

Project work

Elective 2

Advanced Java Programming

Elective III



Network System Administration

2nd sem

Computational Mathematics

Internet Software Architecture

Embedded System Programming

1st sem

Academic Skills and Team Based Learning

Fundamentals of Computing

Introductory Programming and Problem Solving

1st year

2nd sem

Microprocessor and Computer Architecture

Discrete Structure

Object-Oriented Programming

Business Statistics


1st sem


Introduction to Information Technology

Basic Mathematics

C Programming

Digital Logic