How democratic was the new system?

structure of Government

Politburo - 80-130 members BUT smaller circle runs show 15-25 members

→ created special organisations, like FJDmass control

Volkskammer (peoples chamber) - voted in by secret ballot

→ head was the Minister President - voted in by largest party

Landerkammer (States Chamber) - represents the 5 GDR states

→ legislative body - must reflect on needs of state

  • highest decision-making body - addresses political problems of party, state, economy & culture

General Information:


  • designed to be compatible w/ FRG - democratic by design
  • choice of political parties: multi-party state
  • Freedom of speech → basic human rights - constitution
  • Elections held every 4 years → used 'secret ballot'
  • Use of PR - % of votes = % of seats
  • party congresses elected representatives → ppl raise issues


  • SED dominated - one party state
  • elections predetermined - seats already allocated before elections
  • Elections rigged - if refused to go along they were monitored by STASI - oppressed by state
  • mass organisations controlled by SED - given seats in VK
  • Ulbritch purged goven. members from 1951 & 1956
  • election turn out 90% - consequences for those who didn't vote

→ problems with Secret Ballot - only one option → go to diff room to cast vote & personal info monitored by SP

jobs + education threatened

LK reps also predetermined (abolished 1958) replaced by district councils (14 controlled by SED officer)