Affinity Diagram

What is your age?

Which characteristics best describe you when playing board games?

What is the longest session you could play for?

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What is your preferred break length?

Do you prefer board games which are based more on luck and chance rather than games where luck and chance are not aspects of the game?

How Often:

Do you/your family own any board games?

How many board games do you/your family own?

13 - 16 (14.3%)
17 - 19 (57.1%)
20 - older (28.6%)

Yes (92.9%)
No (7.1%)

1 - 4 (38.5%)
5 - 8 (38.5%)
8 - 12 (7.7%)
12 or more (15.4%)

Special Occasions (42.9%)
Barely Ever (50%)
Once a Week (7.1%)
Every 2 - 3 Days (0%)
Everyday (0%)

Where do you usually find yourself playing board games?

At Home (85.7%)
Friend's House (64.3%)
Cafe's (7.1%)
Parties (21.4%)
Other (14.3%)

What characteristics would you prefer in a private setting?

Casual (78.6%)
Strategy (62.9%)
Party (71.4%)
Mystery (42.9%)

What characteristics would you prefer in a public setting?

Casual (64.3%)
Strategy (42.9%)
Party (64.3%)
Mystery (71.4%)

Yes (50%)
No (50%)

Domination (35.7%)
Irritation (21.4%)
Strategize (14.3%)
Just fun (28.6%)

<= 1 Hour (35.7%)
2 - 3 Hours (57.1%)
4 - 5 Hours (7.1%)

What aspects of games do you dislike?

Competitive (28.6%)
Economic (57.1%)
Attention (14.3%)
Social (14.3%)

30 Minutes (71.4%)

= 1 Day (14.3%)
1 Hour (14.3%)

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