Pet Characteristics Mind Map
Fat Body
Could represent my fish's greediness for food or how hungry he is
Can represent this though emphasizing its large body (e.g. a bottom view looking up)
Curious despite being in the same tank every day.
Highlights the lack of intelligence of the fish
Can be shown in the narrative by drawing the fish swimming towards nothing
The fish can be drawn smaller than usual to make viewers make fun of or belittle the fish
The size of the fish can be shown even more by drawing the belly so that it comprises most of the body yet still show other features like the fin and eyes
Follows finger whenever you place it on the tank's glass
Make a drawing so that the fish is looking at you
Draw a bulge or curve so that the belly looks 3D to make the belly look realistic
Can shade the shadow where the bulge would to create, similar to a sphere
Crop the fish so that only the belly is shown, yet it is evident that the drawing is still about the fish
Wavy tail
Various types of swimming patterns could be drawn
Take more pictures of the fish being dumb
Fish swimming toward glass as you come to look at it
Can draw the fish thinking there is food when there isn't
Emphasize the fish's hunger
Show the gracefulness of the fish's swimming
Highlight the delicate tail patterns or shape moving in the water
Not just straight ahead, but on the side, below, under, etc...
Try to emphasize the patterns which the tail has
Show the way the water can manipulate the tail's shape
Different layers which the tail has
Where each of tail of the fish is when it is moving
The tails moving on top of each other
Tails getting blocked by the fish's body
Illustrate the different patterns each tail has depending on the direction of the tail's movement
Can be used to differentiate different tails on the body
Tail shape could be drawn depending on the movement which the fish is doing
Very wavy shape if the fish is moving a a lot
Gentle and uniform shape if the fish is slowly moving
Show the 3d spherical aspect of the fish