Ecology Collaborative Inquiry Topics
Growth Patterns of Native Plants
Effects of different plants on ecosystem health
What could we change?
Comparing ecospheres from different water sources
Different amounts of water
Different amounts of soil
Different aquatic plants
What could we measure?
Compare the amount of microorganisms between jars
Start and end amount of microorganisms in each jar
pH levels of soil within ecospheres
pH levels of water in ecospheres
What could we change?
What could we measure?
What could we change?
What could we measure?
Location of observation/testing
Use microscopes and pictures to capture and compare the amount of microorgansims
Soil pH testing kit
Water pH testing kit
Size of area being observed/tested
Type of plants being observed
Distance between plants
Compare the pH of soil in areas where plants are more/less common
pH of water being fed to the plants
Brittleness of leaves - look for health of plants
Water pH testing kit
Tape measure/ruler
Soil pH testing kit
Microscope to examine strength of leaves
Location of investigation
Area size of investigation
Plants being examined
Markers of health being examined
pH levels of soil
Soil pH testing kit
Amount of microoganisms in an area
Microscope and camera to capture amount of microorganisms
Oxygenation level of the soil
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