With this, I want to show to value of inquiry, and the range of thoughts that can come out of even a 20-30 minute conversation. I also hope to show the amount of sway each of our own interests have in where our discussion goes, and how the discussion ends. I want to note that although I had 5 conversations to create this mind map, most of the longer form "branches" came from 3 people who I disagreed with, while the rest stayed within their "branches". They also all arose from the most contentious topics, like the role of religion in modern culture. Almost all people I spoke to agreed about technology in culture (spending almost all time on the subject simply articulating a response, rather than discussing potential responses), and changed the subject towards their interests.
I also want to note the lack of satisfying "ends" to each discussion. Each topic ends with a change in subject, or the end of the conversation. In either case, it usually comes when someone makes a statement or asks a question that no-one was sure how to approach. I like to think that as the conversations get longer, and the party's involved become more knowledgable (in particular, the person asking questions), then the "branches" find a nice conclusion. I, however, reached no such conclusion.
WIthout further ado, let us explore a question, and see where it takes us.