US created a disaster in Afghanistan

after the attacks 9/11

• Invasion of Afghanistan by the USA

• Objectives of the invasion

o Have Oussama Ben Laden

o Defeat the Taliban

• BUT : Bush refused the offer of the Taliban : gave Ben Laden

o Taliban surrendered after the campaign of Bombing --> beginning of the ‘Reconstruction” (counterterrorism and Al Qeada, supplied money, schools, bridges…)


USA killed Ben Laden

o The US sent less troops --> the risk of terrorist attack diminished

o US supported the afghan army

• US supplied the cities of AFG --> in the countryside, The Taliban regained control

o People had enough with the campaign of bombing


The Taliban came back step by step

o US intelligence was bad

“Ghost soldiers”

• Ashraf Ghani: President of AFG --> not coming to the negotiate table with the Taliban and the US

Trump: “all american soldiers in Afghanistan must leave”

• Biden continued Trump’s plan

o Taliban gained ground

o Afghan forces were cut off from American aid and could only rely on themselves

• The Taliban took Kabul