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Weekly Journal Minarai Program - Coggle Diagram
Weekly Journal Minarai Program
Week 1 of Fujitsu's Minarai Junior Program
Day 1
Today, the company meeting will be divided to two orientations
Meeting 1 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
We get to meet Ms. Jescel our HR Manager
Our Hiring Manager and instructor for this meeting is Ms. Jescel De Guzman. A.K.A. Muchie.
Ms. Jescel sets up some ice-breaker after the break
We introduced ourselves to Ms. Jescel and to all my co-interns.
What's your future Goal?
Ms. Jescel discusses the Fujitsu's Mission and Vision.
: “shaping tomorrow with you”
: “make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation”
Ms. Jescel showed us the Company's Hierarchy of Workers.
The Minarai Schedule and Objectives.
The Five Pillars of the Company's Responsibilities
Community Oriented
Diversity and Inclusion
Clean Environment
Safe Operating Practices
The Safety, health and Security Reminders
Lunch Break before 2nd Meeting
Ms. Jescel tasked us to make our commitments for the Fujitsu Minarai Program in a PowerPoint
She explains the Minarai (見習い) Program. A Japanese word for “learn by observing” or “apprentice”.
Global Responsible Business - GRiP
Recruit and retain talented employees
Collaborate and Co-create with customers
Reduce costs through innovative facilities projects
Be globally recognized as an ethical and responsible business.
Meeting 2 (1:00 – 3:00 PM)
We get to meet all the instructors of all the departments
Java & Web Programming
Game Programming
The teachers introduced themselves
We present our commitment PowerPoint/PDFs (I made mine in Canva)
The teachers gave us a chance to introduce ourselves
The Sensei teaches us about the cultures of their most active customers
Australian Culture
Very Open
Japanese Culture
The Sensei's tasked us to learn about Python
I asked the cybersecurity sensei which is the best place to store passwords?
Sir Ronald Allen Pablo said it's on the cloud.
Day 2
My Co-interns went to their respective Microsoft Meeting Team Space.
I realized all of our meetings will be held in Microsoft Teams.
During Orientation
Today we were taught about JAVA
the first "real" Object Oriented Programming
What's Object-Oriented Programming all about.
JAVA History
Father of Java is James Gosling
What's Procedural Programming about?
What's the difference between Procedural Programming and Object-Oriented Programming?
Object-Oriented programming is easier and more secure because you can specify whether a function is public or private, and adding new methods and data to the program is easier.
Procedural programming is less secure and slow because it's linear, and it provides no way to hide data, so everything is public.
Sir gave us a quiz
I got two mistakes
I got a mistake on which is the first real programming language
I got another mistake of what makes a class. The answer was the name of the class and their attributes.
Sir gave us a task/homework. Which is to make a dog object that prints out
Squeak Squeak
in the console.
Our instructor for today was Sir
Jambert De Guzman
I finished the program within the day. My co-interns/classmates had a hard time doing it, but I helped them to program the dog.
Day 3
Our instructor for today is Sir Michael June Aranas
During Orientation
Today we will be talking about REACTJS
What is ReactJS?
It's a JavaScript library used to handle the displaying of the components in HTML.
ReactJS is component-based so you can reuse components to build your website.
Sir tasked us to make work on the calculator tutorial and send him the ReactJS script in a zip file.
Sir showed us the demo of the Calculator Tutorial
Sir taught us ways on how to use ReactJS
Sir taught us how to Render the HTML
Sir taught us different methods and techniques
The Rules of JavaScript XML, which allows us to write HTML in ReactJS
Sir Jambert De Guzman was in the meeting with us, but he acts as a substitute. (Sir Jumao couldn't attend because of technical difficulties).
I finished the ReactJS file within the day and sent it to Sir Michael. It was a bit hard, but I got the hang of it.
My classmates need some help in the coding while following the code in the tutorial. Some say that their codes isn't working like what it says in the tutorial.
One of my classmates decides to do it tomorrow.
Day 4
Our Instructor today is Sir Jumao-As,
He sounds like Athena Bote.
Sir Jambert De Guzman is there but as a helper.
During the Orientation
Sir Jumao-As had some technical issues, he's currently using a laptop.
He starts coding a mock-up bank using ReactJS. There's a balance that you can withdraw from it or deposit to it.
Sir Jumao explains while coding about how to use ReactJS.
Sir Jumao gave us an activity to add two more functionality to his program.
First, the user cannot withdraw a value bigger than the balance value.
Second, the user can only input numbers. (No Symbols and letters be used).
He codes using a text-editor in the web called
I finished this within the day. This project was relatively easy.
I guided my classmates on what they should code. Some had problems with the code not working and some had problems
Day 5
Our instructor today was Sir Adrian Tabay
Our helper instructor/IT consultant Sir Jambert De Guzman was also there just helping if needed.
During Orientation
Sir Adrian taught us this UI Toolkit called "IONIC".
What is the IONIC UI Toolkit?
It is an Open-Source toolkit used to create User Interfaces for website apps, mobile apps and desktop apps while using only HTML, CSS, JavaScript programming languages.
It has a feature where it updates all apps from website – desktop while editing the code.
Very useful toolkit to create apps that can work on multiple popular platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows, & Mac.
Sir Adrian showed us a demo of a Photo Gallery App that was made using IONIC, Capacitor and Cordova
Capacitor and Cordova are tools that are used to turn our website into a application that can be used for mobile and desktop apps.
Sir tasked us to recreate the Photo-Gallery App using IONIC. He gave us a link which shows us the tutorial page of the app.
Sir taught us the architecture/structure of IONIC, and the reserved keywords used in the CMD prompt to make IONIC work.
This took me a while to make, since there were lots of codes to type and I have to charge my android tablet.
My classmates doesn't seem to be asking questions. So I guess they're fine following the tutorial.
Week 1 has been orientations, where the senseis taught us how to use popular extensions of the website programming languages that are used by popular tech companies worldwide.
Week 2 of Fujitsu's Minarai Junior Program
Day 6
Our Instructor today is Sir "
Ronald Allan Pablo
We are accompanied by another instructor named "
Maria Farah Dela Cruz
During Orientation:
Sir introduced to us about Information Security
What is Information Security?
Information Security means protecting information and information systems from any form of unauthorized use.
Sir Ronald explained the importance of securing information.
To prevent information from being accessible to unauthorized people.
To prevent misuse of information.
To protect the privacy of individuals.
To prevent people from unauthorized inspection, modification, and deletion.
How did it become a topic of concern?
It started during the first mainframe computers used during WWII to crack coded messages.
Physical Controls to Limit Access – Badges, Keys, and Facial Recognition.
To prevent Physical Theft, Spies, and Sabotage.
The CIA Triangle
What does CIA stand for?
Other Considerations of Information Security
There's a huge sub-list that is under Information Security.
Information Security/Cryptography
The PPT Framework
What does the PPT Framework stand for?
These are used by most software companies and use the framework for Information Technology Management.
This framework makes it easier to see how Technology, Process, and People interact with each other.
Sir then explained an example of methods to increase information security.
No ID, No Entry.
Legal Obligations
Terms and Services
Disaster Planning
Tasks to reduce the risk of disasters.
Data Robbery
The considerations of Information Security
Efficiency vs. Security
Less Security makes it easy for everyone to enter and do their work
More Security makes it hard for everyone to enter and do their work because of the additional security steps.
The Efficiency and Security must be balanced to have a efficient but secured workplace.
Sir Ronald gave us some additional activities to do
Search for news articles about "information security breach".
Day 7
Our instructor for today is Sir "
Ronald Allan Pablo
Today's Topic will be about Common types of Cyber Attacks
We are accompanied by another instructor named "
Maria Farah Dela Cruz
What are the common security attacks?
Human Error
Malware installment
SQL Injection
Zero-Day Attack
Why do these Cyber Attacks happen?
financial gain.
Intellectual challenge
State-Sponsored Cyberwar Attacks
What are the most common occurrence of Cyberattacks?
Phishing/Smishing/Business Email Compromise
Total of 537 attacks in 2021
Responding to Cyber Attack incidents
Lessons Learned
During the Orientation
Day 8
Our instructor for today is Sir "
Ronald Allan Pablo
We are accompanied by another instructor named "
Maria Farah Dela Cruz
The topic of day 8 is about how to apply information security in Real Life
Information Systems has People, Networks, Software, Hardware and Data.
Week 3 of Fujitsu's Minarai Jr. Program
Day 1
Week 4 of Fujitsu's Minarai Junior Program
Week 4 of Fujitsu's Minarai Program will last for 4 days.
Sir Marvin Trilles
Introduction to Python
What is Python?
Why do we need to use Python?
It is easier to learn.
Mature and Supportive Python Community.
Hundreds of Python Libraries and Frameworks
Can create databases
What do are the required tools and skills we need?
How does Python work?
Examples of Using Python:
Web Applications
Interpreter Apps.
Activity #2:
Create Simple Profile Page of Yourself in HTML
Make a profile HTML Page
This includes name
Activity #1:
Simple Guess my Age Game
My version of the game is that the player has 3 lives, meaning the player can guess 3 times which is the number. The player loses if they didn't get to guess it for 3 times.
Remake sir's guess my age game where the computer generates a secret number for us to guess which number it is. Sir made a demo of that from scratch using Python in front of us.
People in the class are students both from programming and art strands
Introduction of Sir Marvin Trilles
I managed to finish Activity #2 on Day 3.
We will be learning more about Python on Day 2
I was stressed because the night before this day, I was trying to fix the game of Sir's final output. There's an issue about how the enemy attacks. It slowly accelerates towards you and then when it touches, it freezes the screen and then the player dies.
Day 2
Creating A Virtual Environment for Python
New Python Concepts
Python Loops
While Loop
For Loop
Python Lists
Python Functions
Introduction to JuPyTer Notebook
JuPyTer stands for Julia, Python and R.
The Notebook now supports multiple languages.
Not much assignment, just continue learning how to use Python and Flask.
This is because I am sleep-deprived.
Today, we will learn more about Python and their basic functions.
Day 5
This is our graduation day of Fujitsu
The outline
We meet all the instructors for this Minarai Junior Program and all the students of the Minarai Junior program
Ms. Jescel explains that we have to set up a 3 minutes or less presentation on what have you learned and made during the Minarai Junior program of Fujitsu.
We all played a short website multiplayer game called Kahoot. We answer questions to test our brains.
After that we did a presentation
Our presentation contains all the things we learned during the Minarai Junior program.
And then the graduation ceremony. Where our names get called out and announces a thank you for finishing the Minarai program
Day 3
This is because I just woke up, and I was still trying to finish my profile python project.
Introduction to Flask.
Introduction to Jinja.
Demo of Flask Projects
Activity #3
Turn your HTML Page into a Flask Web Application App
Format: (This is the format I will be using for making my entry of the days.)
Note: This is all Work From Home
Fujitsu history
It's a tech company
It's a multinational tech company
It started from making telecommunication for the japanese people during world war 2.
It's foundation started from 1935.
They began by developing telecommunication systems to make communication in Japan easier.
In the 1950s, the company saw the possibilities of computers, and they began to develop their own computer technology.
In the 1950s, computers became popular, so the company made their own computers to sell them in order to profit during this time.
They did a 1964 New York Expo.
In the 1970s and 80s our telecommunications and computer business grew rapidly around.
In the 1990s, we shifted our focus to IT services for complete information systems.
In 2011 Fujitsu introduced the world's faster supercomputer called the “K Computer”.