"These wretched eminent things Leave no more fame behind 'em than should one Fall in a frost, and leave his print in snow; As soon as the sun shines, it ever melts, Both form and matter." -- Delio's final description. The characters' essence disappears as easily as a footprint in snowfall when the sun shines. That it is the sun - a symbol of hope, light, and renewal - that erases their legacy further emphasises the hopeful bent to this message. Not only are the symbolic remains of the good characters more lasting than those of the evil characters, but they have literally left something behind in “this young, hopeful gentleman,” their son, who was created from their love. Because of the Duchess’s goodness, these surviving characters will “join all” their “force” to ensure that her oldest son has a brighter life. Though the Duchess had few allies to help her against her brothers, her son will now have these men to protect the goodness he inherited from her.