cold water supply system in a building

Direct system

Indirect system

water is supplied direct from mains to fixtures

water going to overhead tank and then the water is supplied to different floors by gravity


fresh drinking water may be obtained at any point

saving pipe work especially in multistory building

this is due to cold water distribution pipe from the cistern being ommited


during peak periods there is a tendency for the lowering of pressure in pipe work

if there is a mains burst there is no store of water

danger of foul water from the sanitary fittings being siphoned back into the main water


in case of an interruption in the mains supply there is an adequate store of water

there is no tendacy of pipe bursting due to the low pressure in pipe work

thre is no risk of back siphon age with this system


fresh drinking water is only available at the kitchen sink

longer pipe runs are required

a larger storage cistern is nenecessary

Parts of water distribution system

distribution pipe/supply system

service pipe


fixture branch

fixture supply

water supply and distribution system

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hot water supply system in a building


uses of hoter for example domestic use,cooking,heating,cleaning,bathing etc.

using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature

types of hot water system

alternative energy

hot water heat recovering

geothermal heating

heat pumps

solar energy

-therymodynamic process

solar energy

ground source heat pump

heat recovering unit



Complicated equipment-main-700x933

electrical heating system

the cost more expensive


storage systems

tank less water system(instantaneous water heaters


long term energy savings

unlimited hot water

less physical space

reduced risk of water damage


start up delay

no operation with low pressure


high flow rates

power shower capability

low maintenance costs

less risk of being without supply


pre heat how water needed

hot water require recovery time

low maintenancce costs

risk of pipes freezing in winter

solar heating system

water heated by the use of solar energy

composed of

a water storage tank

interconnevting pipes

solar thermal collectors

a fluid system to move the heat from the collector to the tank

solar collector typically 3-6m2 in area

standard package with appliances

solar heating in malaysia

malaysia has a high solar energy potential

clean energy of tomorrow

solar energy or solar photovoltaic

attractive incentive to encourage usage of solar energy


safety-no gas leak,no dangerous explosion,

product pays for itself


saving-no electric bills,no gas bills


is the art and technique of installing pipes,fixtures&other apparatuses in buildings&for bringing the water supply,liquids

from the latin plumbum for lead as pipes were once made from lead

plumbing cycle

1) supply





