Carseldine Squash Club



Decreasing popualrity in squash


Needs to adapt around covid


Introduces a virtual reality component

Starts trying to encourage yonger people to get involved

brings in a younger auidience

expose more people to squash increasing sales of main buiniess

Future issues

Buiness is split between squash and VR

Can cause confusion with customers with alot of chnage

Split resources (money, space, adverstising)

Need more employees with more diverse training

Buisiness cant recover after COVID

People that used to go forget

No way for the business to move online

People cant go to courts to play squash

Lack of overall interest decreases amount of comps, with less comps interest decreases more and more (negtive feedback loop)

Emplyees are forces to leave

old emplyees might not be interested in running vr

An emplyee that is into squash has no intrinsic motivation to operate vr