Using the mask is addictive,
and while the wearer can remove it any time they wish, the
action is not that easy. In game terms, the frst time a character
tries to take off the mask, they must attempt a POW roll: if
successful, they can remove the mask; however, if they fail, the
mask stays on and they lose 1D4 Sanity points. Te wearer
can try again, but suffers the same Sanity loss if they fail the
roll. Assuming the wearer succeeds in removing the mask, the
next time they use it, they require a successful Hard POW roll
to take off the mask, with failure now costing 1D6 Sanity. Te
time after that, a successful Extreme POW roll is required to
take it off, with 1D8 Sanity point lost to a failure. Further use
remains at this level unless the wearer dies or goes permanently
insane, at which point the mask falls off of its own volition,
ready for its next victim.
In between times, unless the mask’s owner manages to give
it away or dupes someone else into taking it from them, the
mask psychically calls to them every day, encouraging them
to wear it again. A successful POW roll is needed to resist the
urge to don the mask again the frst time, a Hard POW roll to
resist the second time, and so on. Unless the wearer has a new
request, the mask automatically causes the same changes as
when it was last worn (for the same cost). Wearing the mask
for a prolonged period causes additional Sanity losses—1D4
Sanity points for every week the mask is continuously worn.
Te mask can be removed by force, but the consequences
for the wearer are terrible. An Extreme STR roll is needed to
pull the mask off a willing or unwilling victim (although an
unwilling one will need to be restrained if conscious during the
attempt). If successful, the act of pulling the mask free inflicts
1D4+4 damage to the wearer as their flesh is torn from their
face along with the mask, triggering a Sanity roll (1/1D10
Sanity loss). Even with the best medical treatment money can
buy, the wearer is left with permanent facial scarring. Failing
the STR roll causes a 1/1D6 Sanity loss on a willing victim
only (as they realize it isn’t coming off ), while an unwilling
victim is not affected