The Chrysalids Assignment Brainstorm
Theme: Xenophobia and how it relates to Discrimination

Interview questions

Questions: Must be answered in the podcast

  1. How did xenophobia occur and develop into discrimination in our history?
  1. What do people in your society view as xenophobia?
  1. Should new ideas regarding xenophobia be expressed no matter what?
  1. What is the connection between xenophobia, facts you have found out while working on this project, and opinions of others?
  1. Why do you think xenophobia occurs in society and what should the next generation do to limit discrimination caused by xenophobia?

  1. In what ways is the version of xenophobia portrayed in The Chrysalids similar or different to the thoughts of the people you interviewed on xenophobia.

5/ How is your chosen theme portrayed in The Chrysalids?

  1. How has xenophobia impacted your life? If you are willing to share your stories, have you ever witnessed or experienced anything related to this topic before?
  1. What do you think xenophobia is?
  1. Do you think xenophobia is static or dynamic? Why?

Connection to The Chrysalids

How xenophobia occurred in Waknuk?

About Xenophobia and Discrimination

Which characters experienced Xenophobia?

Main idea: Xenophobia ultimately develops into Discrimination. (How? Connect to the interview as well as come up with our explanation)

Which characters is an example of having a Xenophobia in the story?

How they were treated in the story?

How does The Chrysalids reflect our society? How are people who have disabilities or "mutations" treated in our society?

How is the theme you chose, viewed in the twenty-first century?

How has it impacted their lives?

How does The Chrysalids portray the theme you chose?

Is the theme you chose still relevant today?

How have society’s conceptions of the theme you chose changed/stayed the same?

Ultimately, what can we learn about the theme you chose, the way it is portrayed in The Chrysalids, and its place in Vietnam?

Joseph Storm

Planning: Timeline for podcast

Joseph Storm is David's father, an extremely high religion believer, and an aggressive character.

  1. Introduction - Hook and introducing the host

This demonstrates by how he beaten David after knowing the connection between David and Sophie

Introduce our interviewee and greet her.

  1. Dive into our topic by first asking about the definition of xenophobia.

Shows how David feared of Joseph Storm by dream about him killing Sophie or another time where he killed Petra, his own daughter due to their difference

Connect this to how it is portrayed in the book

connect it to our society if possible

  1. connect to the second interview question: history of xenophobia and discrimination. --> Discuss how xenophobia is related to discrimination
  1. is xenophobia static or dynmic?
  1. Impacts on life and connection to the novel case.

Waknuk is a society with religious fanatic

Where people who are born with a normal physical appearance are the image of God

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