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Reproductive System- Alexis Gutierrez Per 2 - Coggle Diagram
Reproductive System- Alexis Gutierrez Per 2
Major functions of the
Reproductive system
Develops & maintains organs for
production of offspring
produce sperm
delivers sperm to female
houses & nourishes developing
embryo & fetus
produce oocytes
Develops & maintains organs for
production of offspring
Anatomy of Male
Reproductive Structures
Seminal Gland(Vesicle)(sits behind the ejaculatory duct)
Ductus(Vas) Deferens(tube from testis to ejaculatory duct)
Testis(in the sack, egg shape)
Epididymis(wrapped around behind the testis)
Ejaculatory Ducts(merges the vas defernes and the seminal vesicle)
Urethra(tube that leads outside of penis & connects to bladder)
Corpus Cavernosum(part of the penis)
Glans Penis(tip of penis)
Prostate Gland(gland around the ejaculatory duct and urethra)
Bulbo - Urerthral gland & duct(look like bulbs after the prostate gland)
Anatomy of Female
Reproductive Structures
Ovary(egg shape)
Fimbriae(little fingers around ovary)
Uterine(fallopian) tube(tubes where egg travles through)
Infundilbulum(after little fingers)
Cervix(deep in vagina, leads to uterus)
Vagina(the space the penis goes into)
Labium minus(inner vaginal lips)
Labium majors(outer vaginal lips)
Fundus of uterus(top part)
Hormones of the
Reproductive System
Not pregnant(ovaries)
Progesterone (which triggers uterine
changes during the menstrual cycle)
During pregnancy(produced by
ovary, adrenal cortex, & placenta)
Testosterone (most important, Responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics, Stimulates development of male reproductive organs)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)( stimulates sertoli cells)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)(promotes development of interstitial, cells of the testes)
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone(GnRH) (secreted by hypothalamus, triggers production)
Events of the Female
Hormonal Cycles
(be sure to include all categories)
Luteal phase
Secretory phase(progesterone SPIKES
Menstrual phase(endometrium loses thivkness)
Corpus lutem
Degenerating corpus luteum
Corpus albicans
Follicular phase
Menstrual phase
Proliferative phase(estrogen SPIKES)(endometrium starts to thicken)
Developing antral follicle
Mature antral follicle
LH- spikes
FSH- spikes
egg is released
Methods & Classification
of contraceptives
Withdrawl(80%. None)
Fertility awareness(76-93%. None)
Diaphram(82%, Irritation)
Internal condom(79%. Discomfort, pain during or after sex, buring)
External condom(88%. Irritation, allergic reaction)
IUD(99.5%. Cramps, heavier, longer periods, spots)
Injectibles(96%. Headaches, weight gain, dizziness, loss of bone density)
Pill(93%. Breast tenderness, headache, bleeding, nausea)
Spermicide(28 out of 100. Allergic reaction)
Female sterilization( 99.5% effective.
Side effects; pain, bleeding, infection)
Male sterilization(99.5%. Infection, pain, bleeding)
Disorders Associated with
the Reproductive System
(including STI’s)
Syphilis- serious health problems; vaginal, anal, oral, sex;
sores, rashes, lessions;
antibiotics CAN BE CURED;
no sex
Genital Herpes- herpes simplex virus; vaginal, anal, oral sex
no symptoms; no treatment, medication; condoms
Chlamydia- potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy; sex; abdormal vaginal discharge, pain, swelling in one or both testicles; CAN BE CURED, nedication; condoms
Gonorrhea- sexually transmitted infection in genitals; unprotected sex; burning ,discharge, painful, swollen, bleeding; CAN BE CURED, medication; condoms
Crabs/ Pubic lice- infection; sexual contact; itch, rash; medication; no sex, wash clothes/ bed sheets
Hepatitis- virus; ingested, sex, infected, blood transfusion; few or no symptoms; treated; vaccine
Trichomoniasis- infection w/t protozoan parasite; during sex, lower genital tract, inside of penis; no signs or symptoms; CAN BE CURED dose of antibiotics; NO SEX or condoms
AIDS/HIV- virus SIV passed on to humans by chimps; sexual intercourse; fever, chills, rash, night sweats, muscle aches, sore throat; medication; condoms, tests.
Scabies- infestation of the skin by human itch mite; sexual intercourse; itching, penis, wrist, bipple, buttocks, elbow; medication, washing with hot water; no sex, clothing, bed sheets
HPV/ Genital Warts- infected with HPV; vaginal, oral, anal sex; no symptoms; no treatment; vaccine.
PID- caused by STDs like chlamydia & gonorrhea; during sex, douche, IUD for birth control; pain, fever, discharge with bad order, burns to pee; CAN BE TREATED, antibiotics; no sex, condoms.
Bacterial Vaginosis- any woman can get BV, increase your chance to get STD; NOT SURE OF CAUSE, sexually active woman; white or grey discharge, itching, burning, strong fish like order; antibiotics; no sex, no douche, limit partners.