Land Reclamation aka reclamation ground aka land fill


Creating new land from oceans, seas, riverbeds, lake beds


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Plant & Machineries


clay, sand, hill cut, boulders, cobbles, gravel, rock

Increase availability of arable land

Expanding the carrying capacity of land

Draining of submerged land image

Deep cement mixing image

Infilling image

Land dredging image

involves filling the area with large amounts of heavy rocks and/or cement, then filling with clay and dirt until the desired height is reached

reclaim wetlands or land for agricultural use

material displaced by either dredging or draining may be contaminated

removal of sediments and debris from the bottom of water

Direct dumping

Rehandling pit

Dry method

Sand spreading

Hydraulic reclamation

dragline excavator image

backhoe image

trucks image

shovel image

Used for carried filling out from an offshore source or rehandling pit from dredger

suitable for filing material from land sourse

Used when the seabed is deep or the underlying seabed soil is soft

Used to transport sand by barge and dumping the fill material like clay or rock just temporary in the pit for storage

Spreading sand over water with sufficiently high water level above seabed, each grain will fall gradually through water and rest gently on seabed