Reproductive System p.2 Celine Cercado
Major functions of the Reproductive system (male and female)
Anatomy of male reproductive structures
Anatomy of female reproductive structures
Hormones of the reproductive system (male and female)
Events of the female hormonal cycles (be sure to include all categories)
Disorders associated with the reproductive system (including STI’s)
Methods and Classification of contraceptives
Only system not needed to survive
production of offspring
delivers sperm to female
houses & nourishes developing embryo & fetus
Testes produce sperm and hormones
Intenral & external reproductive organs
Primary organ
accessory organs
250 lobules separated by connective tissues
holds 1-4 coiled seminiferous tubules
Semiferous tubules
stratified epithelium
contains spermatogenic cells that give rise to sperm cells
sperm cells
head contains haploid nucleus & acrosome
Acrosome digestive enzymes that erode tissue surrounding female's egg cell
Midpiece contains mitochondria
Flagellum provided lashing movements to propel the sperm through fluids, toward egg
urine & semen to outside of body
inserted into vagina during sex
glans penis is richly supplied with sensory nerve endings associated with feelings of pleasure during sex
Hormonal control
develop & maintains secondary sexual characteristics
Pituitary Hormones
GnRH secreted by hypothalamus
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
triggers production of gonadotropins from anterior pituitary gland
Luteinizing hormone
promotes development of interstitial cells of testes
secreted male hormones
Follicle-stimulating hormone
stimulates sertoli cells of seminiferous tubules to respond to testosterone
Sex hormones
male sex hormone; testosterone most important
stimulates development of male organs
produce and maintains sex cells
transports cells to site of fertilization
produces oocytes & female sex hormones
Produces & sustains embryo during pregnancy
Uterine secretions to outside body; receives erect penis during sexual intercourse; provides passageway for offspring during birth process
soild, ovoid structures located in the lateral wall of pelvic cavity
primary sex organs
External and internal reproductive organs
Secondary sex ogans
medulla made up of connective tissue, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, & nerves
cortex contains follicles & covered by cuboidal epithelium
Uterine tubes
near ovaries
expands to form infundibulum with finger like fimbriae on its margins
hollow and muscular organ
upper 2/3 has dome-shaped top
lower 1/3 is cervix
inner wall
muscular/ middle wall
outer wall
parrtially covered by hymen
consists of 3 layers
Labia minora
flattened, longitudinal folds between labia majora
small projection at anterior end of vulva,k between labia minora
contains columns of erectile tissue
space enclosed by labia minora into which vagina & urethra open
Ovarian Cycle
Menstrual cycle
start of puberty, occytes stimulate to continue meiosis
meiosis results in occytes having half the number of chromosomes as other body cells
Primary oocyte undergoes meiosis I, divides unequally, giving rise to large, haploid secondary oocyte & tiny first polar body
Fertilization occurs, second, unequal cytoplasmic division, gives rise to large egg cell & tiny second polar body
End of meiosis II, chromosomes of sperm & ovum combine, resulting in formation of zygote
monthly changes in uterine lining leads to menstrual flow as endometrium shed.
Menache: occurs when reproductive organs have matured & begin responding to female hormones.
GnRH secretion from hypothalamus causes secretion of FSH & LH from anterior pituitary
FSH stimulates maturation of follicle in ovaries
estrogen increases during 1st week to thicken endometrium of uterus
Follicle matures fully, about day 14 of cycle ready for ovulation
ovulation triggered by mid-cycle surge in LH; secondary oocyte & follicle fluid are released from ovary
responsible for female secondary sexual characteristics breast development, sex organs, enlargement, increased adipose tissue depostition, & increased vascularization of skin
triggers uterine changes during menstrual cycle.
produce changes at puberty; growth of pubic, & axillary hair.
Birth Control
Refers to voluntary regulation of number of offspring produced
Coitus Interrupts
withdrawal of penis from vagina before ejaculation
sperm might reach vagina before ejaculation
Rhythm Method
abstinence from sexual intercourse around time of ovulation
difficult to determine time of ovulation
not effective
Mechanical Barriers
prevent sperm from entering vagina during sexual intercourse
male and female condoms
cervical cap
Chemical Barriers
contain spermicides
more effective when used with condom, foams, creams, and jellies
Combined Hormone Contraceptives
contains estrogen & progestins to prevent pregnancy
disrupts normal hormonal pattern of female cycle & prevents follicle maturation & ovulation
chemical ring, patch, oral contraceptives
Injectable Contraceptives
injection of progesterone derivative prevents follicle maturation & ovulation
works for 3 months
Contraceptives Implants
Implantation of rod containing progestin under skin in arm
prevents follicle maturation & ovulation for 3 years
Intrauterine Devices
Implanted in uterus either toxic to sperm & egg cells and prevents implantation of embryo by inhibiting growth of endometrium, thicken cervical mucus
surgical method of permentaly preventing pregnancy
vasectomy in male tubal ligation in female
pills taken by mouth
caused by HIV and can be transmitted by sexual intercourse
HIV is found in semen
results in destruction of body's immune defenses infections & cancers can be fatal
Pelvic inflammatory disease
one possible complication of STIs gonorrhea & chlamydia
May lead to infection & sterility in females
Uterine tube scarring may cause infertility
STI that can cause health problem if is not trend
directed contract with syphilis sore
direct contact during vaginal , anal,or oral sex
sores, rashes or mucous membrane lesions, headache and paralysis
treatment: antibiotics
Prevention: latex condoms, monogamous relationship, and no sex
Fever, rash, chills, muscle aches, mouth ulcers
Treatment: antiviral therapy
Antirevorial medicine and not having sex
pain to lower abdominal, fever, bleeding between periods
common STD that's caused by infection with protozoan parasites called trichomonas vaginalis
passed by during sex, penis to vagina, vagina to penis, or vagina to vagina
no sign or symptoms, men: itchy in penis or burning after urination. Women: itching, burning, thin discharge with unusual smell.
STD that can infect men & women
Sex with someone who has it
Vaginal, anal, or oral sex
Abnormal discharge, burning when urination, rectal pain, discharge, and bleeding
Prevention: testing before sex and condoms
Common STI, different virus that HIV and HSV (herpes)
Having sexual relationship with someone with virus
Vaginal, anal, or oral sex
no signs/ symptoms
Treatment: no treatment for virus
Prevention: vaccination and latex condom
Genital Herpes
Herpes simplex virus type I
Anal, vaginal, or oral sex
No symptoms, blisters on genital, rectum, or mouth
Treatment: No treatment can cure, Antiviral medication
Prevention: Latex condoms and no sex
Bacterial Vaginosis
Too much of certain bacteria in vagina
Sexually active women can spread it
Thin white or gray discharge, pain and itching and burning when urination.
Treatment: antibiotics
Prevention: no sex and no douching
99% effectivness
Side effects: pain bleeding, and risk of infections
for both female and male
99% effectiveness
Side effects: some discomfort with placement
Chemical protection
93-99% effectiveness
Side effects: weight gain
93-99% effectiveness
Chemical method
side effects: nausea, breast tenderness, and blood clots
put in vagina with spermicide
76-99% effectiveness
Side effects: menstrual side effect and allergic reaction, and irritation
STD that infects both men and women
infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat
vaginal, anal, or oral sex
burning sensation when urinating, painful or swollen testicles, and white, yellow, or green discharge
Treatment: Medication
Prevention: latex condom
Crabs/ Pubic lice
parasite insects found primarily in pubic or genital area
close personal contact with someone with it
clothing or sexual contact with someone infected
itching in genital area, visible nits, or crawling lice
Treatment: lice killing lotion
Prevention: Examined, and machine washed clothing
Infestation of skin by human itch mite
contact with someone who has it
skin to skin contact
Intense itching and pimple like itchy rash
Treatment: Scabicides
Prevention: No sex or skin to skin contact with someone infected
Internal condoms
put in vagina
76- 99% effectiveness
side effects: allergic reaction and irritation
External condoms
put over penis
76-99% effectiveness
Side effects: allergic reaction and irritation
Fertility Awareness
fertility signs and abstain or use condoms on fertile days
behavior protection
76-99% effectiveness
no side effects
79-99% effectiveness
no side effects
behavioral protection
put inside vagina
76-99% effectiveness
allergic reaction and irritation