Technology and Accessibility
Foundation for Access
Architectural Barriers Acts 1968
Rehabilitation Act
Education for all Handicapped Children Act
Americans with Disability Act
Deaf Community Access
2013 deaf and hard or hearing truck drivers were finally allowed to obtain commercial driver's' licenses
2014 PNU was ordered to allow Deaf medical students
2015 girls scouts local chapter was ordered to provide ASL interpreters for Girl Scouts troop meeting
2017 the department of justice issued regulations requiring movie theaters to provide closed captioning .
Deaf people were not being informed about the COVID-19 breakout
were first a seperate box
then they were a TV option but you had to pay extra for them.
Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990 saying all television showing 13 episodes or bigger had have closed captions.
Closed captions vs open captions
Issues with the closed captioning devices that were supplied at movie theaters
For a long time Deaf people had to rely on hearing people in order to make a phone call.
They then upgraded to a Teletypewriter, very large machine that was connected by the phone and the message was transcribed
The TTY was then upgraded to a smaller version but the problem stil persisted that deaf people couldn't call hearing people and hearing people would rarely use their TTY
VRS was a major success and made lots of money