Agriculture Livestock Fishing Minning

Pacific Ocean, Exportation y Domestic production

Fish, Sardine, Tuna, Mackerel, Crustaceans, Trout

Oil Amazonas, Guayas, Retinery Amazona, Guayas, Esmeraldas, Manabi

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Cooper silver iron Andes

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Nowadays, Ecuadorian main export product is oil. It is administered by the

State and represents large revenues for the country. With the money obtained by oil,

the State invests in the construction of roads and bridges, dams and buildings,

payment of public employees and expenses in education, health and housing, and

consumer materials current

Beef farming is the most widespread in Ecuador. Nowadays, milk production

can supply domestic demand and be exported abroad. The dairy industry has grown

in the production of derivatives such as cheese, cream and yogurt.

Cattle herds and pasture cultivation are distributed in all regions of Ecuador.

The area dedicated to cultivated and natural pastures constitutes one third of the

land use. image image

The cultivation of rice they carry out small and medium peasant farmers

who sow and harvest in winter and summer, 343,936 hectares of land. Dry corn is a

very important crop that covers 248,982 hectares in the Sierra and the Coast. Also

potatoes, barley and soft corn are grown in the Sierra, and soy in several places.

Cocoa has a historical tradition in Ecuador. It is cultivated mainly by small producers

in 243,146 hectares, located mostly in Los Ríos, Guayas and Manabí. image