(You have to work hard to achieve goals.) You are at school when you hear that your dad has broke his leg getting off a tractor. You get out of school early to go see your father. Your mother is not there because she is out of town on a business trip. You are the only child. So you have to work the ranch all by yourself until your father foot heals properly.
You go the principal and tell her that you can't come to school for 4 weeks because of your dad's accident. So you ask her if your friend could bring your work to you after school. You will do the work when you get it and will give the work to your friend to turn in.
Section 3
You work on the farm through out the day. You work on your school work in the evening. Your friend helps you with your school work you are confused on.
You do the school work when you have free time, which doesn't end up being very often.
Your grades are doing great. You are not falling behind in any classes.
You split your school and chores.
You decide to put more effort into your chores and slack off on your school work.
You realize that you should be putting more effort into your school work.
You don't do your school work because you don't have time to.
You keep on doing what you were doing.
You do chores first.
You do school work first.
You have focused most of your time and energy in your chores. You're too tired to do your school assignments. So you end up falling into a deep sleep and you don't wake up until 9 pm and it is pitch black out side. So you cant do anything on the farm or homework because you are tired a sore and cant get out of bed.
You spend a lot of your energy doing school work.
You don't have any energy to do any chores.
You do the chores even though you are tired.
You tire yourself out at the end of the day after you've successfully completed your schoolwork and chores.
You fall behind in class and assignments. Your chores are well exceed.
You are extremely tired but you have accomplished a lot. Your chores are done and you grades are really good!
The farm suffers but your grades are excellent.
You do your work in the morning.
You completely skip the assignments all together.
You wake up extra early so you can get your school work done before you have to do chores.
You decide to go to bed early and do your homework in the morning.
Section 2
Section 4
Section 5
Section 1
Section 7
Section 13
Section 12
Section 6
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
End 1
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End 4
Section 28
Section 29
Section 27
Section 26
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Section 23
Section 24
Section 25
You try to get up in the middle of the night but you cant. So you fall back asleep.
You do your school work all evening and go to bed late.
(Section 8)
skip chores