The role of the tutor teacher is synthesized in actions of orienting, guiding, directing, organizing, coordinating, facilitating, advising, controlling, investigating, evaluating, helping in every sense of the word the working student he tutors, contributing to the practical theoretical integration of the components of the training process.
To carry out these functions, the tutor must master the characteristics of the curricular design, the profile, the characterization of the students and families, it is also necessary to know and interrelate with the faculty of the profile, the teacher guide of the group as well as to the students he supervises, with whom he must maintain direct and systematic contact to know their achievements and difficulties and take measures to solve any problems that may arise, this in front of the collaborators of the Practical Areas where the students work- workers by identifying learning and educational needs and helping to eradicate the deficiencies detected.
In order to achieve the objectives pursued by this new model, it is essential to strengthen relations with the family, student organizations and unions, more so if they are students who have incomplete training not only professionally, but also personally, with deficiencies in their own education for various reasons in their history, so they are young people who still need to be educated taking into account the systematic observation of the most subtle details of their actions, manifestations in the ambivalence of the personal and the professional.
In order to properly fulfill the role that corresponds to the tutor teacher, a correct selection of them must be made and that the established requirements are met, especially if we take into account that a large part of the student-workers will be tutored by high-level personnel. technical and without pedagogical training, it must be required that they have a similar profile to the students they supervise, be competent, keep up-to-date with regard to professional and scientific-technical research development and gather sufficient values to be an example to their students, as well as an adequate formal education and social conviction.
In the new pedagogical model as we have proposed from the second cycle, education at work takes another dimension when the student becomes a student-worker, this education is carried out in the health area, hospital centers, and others, which must be accredited in a timely manner where the tutor teacher and collaborators must strictly ensure that students meet the objectives and skills of each rotation, ensuring that they are not used as a workforce and are located at times that do not affect their attention and learning so that they can have a personalized attention and meet the skills established for each stage, even more so taking into account the municipalization, having to prepare in each job, at least the minimum essential conditions.
In modern pedagogy, where teaching has education at work as its main stage, the figure of the tutor is essential in the transmission and evaluation of knowledge, habits and values, so that in order to successfully conduct tutoring, the tutor-teacher must have a high academic preparation and with optimal dedication to this teaching and educational activity and that they are also examples of dedication, scientific preparation and ethics in their work as a teacher and in the assistance activity.