A methodological strategy in the educational field means directing the teaching-learning process, that is, transforming knowledge from an initial state to a desired state, with the purpose of overcoming difficulties by optimizing time and resources.
The digital age offers you the possibility of creating new environments, therefore, they must be treated differently to extract their maximum potential from them.
To obtain its full potential, you must turn to Information and Communication Technologies (TICS), which are the set of services, networks, software and devices that aim to improve the quality of life of people in an environment, in this case you should approach them if you are interested in the educational sector.
ICTs in education
Using ICTs for education is the best methodological strategy for teaching online. If you use them you will have immediate access to a greater source of information and resources. You will be able to create digital resources, use interactive applications for learning and promote collaborative work.
ICTs are support tools for the process of acquiring knowledge and at the same time sharing information that allows shaping the content of a course in different ways. In other words, they are instruments that help us to carry out a certain educational objective in a faster, easier, more comfortable and safer way.
Online education can be carried out through methodological strategies, technology and interaction and interactivity.Educational strategies for online classesEducational strategies can be teaching and learning. The teaching ones are used by teachers to create the ideal conditions in their students to develop significant learning. The learning ones are used by the students to learn how to learn allowing higher performance.All educational strategies are classified into two large groups:
- Organizational: Focused on creating an environment conducive to interaction, communication, cooperation, socialization and exchange of experiences.
- Cognitive: Aimed at supporting thought processes such as the activation of prior knowledge, creativity, content organization and problem solving.