How to plan teaching for an online environment
The material production team
Development and processing of content in different media and formats
Development of self-instructional modules
Steps and sequences in instructional design
Prior organizers, textual aids, multimedia, meaningful activities
Selection and evaluation of materials
A methodological strategy in the educational field means directing the teaching-learning process, that is, transforming knowledge from an initial state to a desired state, with the purpose of overcoming difficulties by optimizing time and resources.
The digital age offers you the possibility of creating new environments, therefore, they must be treated differently to extract their maximum potential from them.
To obtain its full potential, you must turn to Information and Communication Technologies (TICS), which are the set of services, networks, software and devices that aim to improve the quality of life of people in an environment, in this case you should approach them if you are interested in the educational sector.
ICTs in education
Using ICTs for education is the best methodological strategy for teaching online. If you use them you will have immediate access to a greater source of information and resources. You will be able to create digital resources, use interactive applications for learning and promote collaborative work.
ICTs are support tools for the process of acquiring knowledge and at the same time sharing information that allows shaping the content of a course in different ways. In other words, they are instruments that help us to carry out a certain educational objective in a faster, easier, more comfortable and safer way.
Online education can be carried out through methodological strategies, technology and interaction and interactivity.
Educational strategies for online classes
Educational strategies can be teaching and learning. The teaching ones are used by teachers to create the ideal conditions in their students to develop significant learning. The learning ones are used by the students to learn how to learn allowing higher performance.
All educational strategies are classified into two large groups:
- Organizational: Focused on creating an environment conducive to interaction, communication, cooperation, socialization and exchange of experiences.
- Cognitive: Aimed at supporting thought processes such as the activation of prior knowledge, creativity, content organization and problem solving.
Concept that characterizes a certain type of production of the means necessary for human life (food, clothing, housing, production instruments), which is carried out in historically conditioned forms of social relations.
Virtual teaching materials are the carriers of digital content, which must enable learning and become transmitters of knowledge. Didactic materials are those that gather means and resources that facilitate teaching and learning.
Resources to make virtual classes more interactive:
- Collaborative boards.
- Platforms to do surveys or opinion questions.
- Games to encourage learning.
- Communication through videos.
The didactic material is an essential resource in a distance program, through it the teacher-institution-student relationship develops, that is, this type of study supports the educational process in texts, didactic guides, CDs, videos and ICT. that today have a relevant role.
One of the most influential psychologists of humanistic psychology in history, Abraham Maslow, defined the learning process in 4 stages:
- First stage: unconscious incompetence.
- Second stage: conscious incompetence.
- Third stage: conscious competition.
- Fourth stage: unconscious competition.
The educational content of e-Learning can benefit from the strength of the game or game dynamics that allow playful learning, which captures the attention of users quickly and effectively.
An e-learning training strategy is that training that takes place on the Internet, on a virtual platform that can be in the cloud or on a company server. E-learning training offers enormous advantages to organizations.
E-learning training is based on 3 fundamental pillars: a good LMS tool, tutors and training content. These contents refer to all those materials that will make up the knowledge base delivered to the student, in order to achieve a learning objective.
What is characteristic of e-learning is that the training process takes place totally or in part through a kind of classroom or virtual environment in which the teacher-student interaction takes place, as well as the activities of the students with the learning materials.
It is also known as teletraining or online learning. It is a teaching and learning model that uses the Internet and ICTs as tools so that participants can communicate and interact in a given training process.
The meaning of e-learning comes from "electronic learning" or electronic learning, in English. Another possible in education and training through the Internet. This type of online teaching allows the user to interact with the material through the use of various computer tools.
The self-instructional module (MA) is a didactic material that offers a style of instruction so that students assimilate the educational content without the direct intervention of the teacher.
According to Yukaversky (2003), an instructional module is a didactic material that contains all the necessary elements for learning concepts and skills, at the student's own pace and without the continuous face-to-face element of the instructor.
The goal of instructional design is to determine the most enjoyable and digestible way to deliver educational content. It is the science of creating effective and engaging learning experiences, the science of how people learn.
Contemporary instructional design must therefore be considered as a flexible craft by nature. Acronym that corresponds to the phases of the model: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.
Using an instructional design model facilitates the elaboration of the material by those involved in the production, it also facilitates the management of the process for the teachers and the execution of the same for the students, hence the importance of said model being adapted to the needs.
Instructional Design is the process through which a learning environment is created, as well as the necessary materials, with the aim of helping the student to develop the necessary capacity to achieve certain tasks (Broderick, 2001).
A sequence of steps to follow. Identification of the goals to achieve.
ADDIE model
- Analysis. The initial step is to analyze the students, the content and the environment, the result of which will be the description of a situation and its training needs.
- Design. ...
- Developing
- Implementation
- Evaluation.
It should be noted that the e-learning system contributes to improving interactivity and collaboration between those who learn, between them and those who teach.
Likewise, it allows the personalization of learning programs, to the particular characteristics of each student, as well as self-assessment.
The advance organizers present introductory and contextual information, elaborated with a higher level of abstraction, generality and inclusivity with respect to the knowledge to be learned, which facilitates both the learning of information and its retention. They can be presented verbally or graphically.
An advance organizer (OP) is an introductory material composed of a set of concepts and propositions of a higher level of inclusion and generality than the new information that students must learn.
To learn meaningfully is to carry out an individual and deliberate, systematic and organized process, in which the student transforms, structures and interrelates the new knowledge with broader, higher-order concepts within their cognitive schemes.
It is related to facts or objects of experience and depends on the affective commitment that the student shows to relate the new knowledge with previous learning, they do not mean simple rote associations, but to build new meanings.
New ideas, concepts and propositions can be learned significantly to the extent that other relevant ideas, concepts or propositions are adequately clear and available in the cognitive structure of the individual and function as an "anchor" point to the first.
There is a wide variety of learning assessment resources and instruments in virtual environments: objective tests, projects, rubrics, creation of concept maps, forums, portfolios, wikis, etc.
How should educational materials be in virtual teaching?
Virtual teaching materials must be adapted to the different characteristics of the students and to the contexts where the teaching-learning process takes place. The adaptive is taken as what is related to the ability to adapt.
Activities for evaluation of virtual courses:
- Discussions through forums.
- Compilation and presentation of activities with e-Portfolios.
- Graphical representation of concepts Mental maps.
- Synthesis of content through infographics.
- Solution of cases.
- Scenarios and role play.
Resources to make virtual classes more interactive.
Checklist for evaluation of an exhibition (Pedagogical Tools)