Within these conversational pre-competencies we can distinguish, among others:
propose vs. Investigate (advantages and disadvantages, balance between the two). derando we are continuously proposing, to collaborators, colleagues, clients and suppliers. To propose efficiently, we must first investigate, ask and inform ourselves of market trends, needs of our clients and collaborators.
Statements vs. Affirmations (differences between describing reality and provoking it, influencing the reaction of others). When we speak and converse (asking, committing, judging, etc.).
Judgments (analysis of their justification, information they provide and reactions they cause in others and in ourselves when we make them).
Offers and Requests (generate commitments and a public image of us and our team or department, depending on how they are fulfilled).
Managing emotional states, in us as leaders and in our teams, is vital to achieve results in an environment of enthusiasm, commitment and initiative. Acquiring the necessary skills and competencies to use them conveniently and to be able to observe them in our interlocutors are fundamental elements for a good relationship with others and for more efficient leadership.
Therefore, to develop LEADERSHIP, not only personal but also organizational, it is essential to work on these conversational pre-competencies that allow us to better acquire and apply other skills and abilities, which are carried out fundamentally through words (through conversations) and emotions. .
If this problem can occur with a noun as simple and concrete as "tree", we can imagine what would happen with the words "honor", "justice" or "freedom".When using language, we use words that make sense to us, but that may not mean the same thing to the receiver, which leads to confusion and incorrect communication.CHARACTERISTICS OF A CORRECT COMMUNICATION
- CLARA, to allow all parties to share and understand ideas. This is probably the most important aspect of correct communication and requires a lot of precision and attention on the part of the sender.
- FAST, if not, the elapsed time can distort the message, and introduces another concept called "distorted communication".
- CONCISE, to obtain an optimal level of response from the receiver. The comment made by the latter is an essential element in the process of achieving a mutual understanding, that is, that it be shared. This process is called with the Anglo-Saxon term feedback or reaction and although its approach is simple, in practice it is difficult to achieve it.
- CORDIAL, is the basis of all good communication and should be established whenever possible a correct interpersonal relationship.