

art direction


Living in an oppressive world where everyone and everything is ranked, two best friends escape from their home to the Faraway land.




what animals have no hierarchy?

what does having a hierarchy entail?

what is the hierarchy in an alternate universe?

they have privilege for the rest of their lives and some are oppressed

how does one benefit from a hierarchy

why do people want a hierarchy?

how does this hierarchy work?

why do the lower ranks not fight back?

why is there a hierarchy?

another dimension

place where everything is ranked

rank will be assigned when born

has an easier path/ harder path

they are brainwashed (figuratively) since they were young

when did this hierarchy system start



mood/living conditions

Sewer pipe

Outside Dome







how is hierarchy used?

how do these individuals in a hierarchy look like?

to make things easier

everyone has a role (job) that fits their rank

as a way to oppress others

where does hierarchy take place

in one large land/region

live in one big dome, so they cant see the outside/are confined

a very long time ago,

they people don't know how to live a life that is not like this (ranked)

when does one get their rank?

right when they are born

what is the lowest rank in the heirarchy

how many ranks are there


how does the ranks work?

elites. alpha. beta. delta. omega

ranks are given at birth\

depends on the color of their eyes

how do these people look like (attire etc)

are all required to wear the same clothes, perform the same tasks etc (by rank)

look like regular people, just in a different world/setting

after rank is assigned, it cannot be changed for the rest of their life


black eyes

what is the highest rank

elites, they are basically the government

red eyes

when do they try to escape?

the people with power (higher rank) do

makes it easier for them

they believe that this life is normal

why do the friends leave?

what are the friends' ranks


why is there a hierarchy?

so that everyone has a role in life

makes it so everyone contributes

All ranks live separately from one another

where is the Faraway Land?

outside the walls

there is a rumor amongst the lower ranks that this place is free from ranks (freedom)

only a minority want to leave (brainwashed since young)

when does this take place?

how has the rumors of the Faraway place spread

there has been a couple lower rank people that have disappeared after talking about the Faraway land

people believe that they either escaped or died after trying to leave

have to keep going West

scene 2

scene 3

Scene 1






every rank looks (wears, actions etc) the same thing

There are 5 ranks and each of them have jobs they have to do, clothes they have to wear etc

higher the rank, higher the advantage

dystopian government. no one has freedom. everyone has ranks

Bear, weasels, moles, leopards

each ranks live and perform (tasks) separately

what are the ranks in this hierarchy?

elites, alpha, beta, gamma, delta

they believe its best to escape during the lecture

recent, maybe more in the future. just in a different dimension/world

they dont like how theyre treated

The 2 friends


their parents tried to escape (past) but haven't succeed

they just disappeared one day

the lecture happens once every year

everyone is in one big stadium- wants to leave when theres not many people watching

during lecture they sneak out through the sewers

the only exit there is that isn't guarded

where do these friends live

one gigantic dome, nobody can escape

in that dome, they live in the omega rank

worst condition to live in




red eyes

maroon uniforms

appearance (all)


color changes based on rank

women- slicked back hair (ponytail)

men- slicked back hair

green eyes

blue eyes

brown eyes

black eyes

grey uniforms



highest in rank

Tan uniforms


dark green uniforms


Navy uniforms



very common


living condition, inside dome

the lecture (where everyone gathers once a year)

The Lecture

Dome in general

nasty, dirty, horrible living conditions

Desert like

lots of dirt

Huge space/hall

everyone is seated by rank

seats surround the stage

very futuristic looking


outside weather doesn't effect the inside

little to no life

dark mood

very futuristic looking

The 2 friends rank's living condition

Sewer pipe

scene of them finding a way out

map- flashlight

in the dark, setting- janitors closet?

Scene where the break open a pipe (large one where they can crawl out of)

scene of them preparing (collecting objects they need to survive outside)

connected to the outside

crawling scene (in the pipe)

outside scene

made it out

was connected to the outside (river)

waste was let out in the river

outside the dome

barely liveable

outside is all dirt and dried up plants/trees

they are fascinated

headed west

faces difficulties

dirt makes it hard to travel


slowly running out of water