Presenting problem (feeling down since her boyfriend left her 6 months ago)

Not having much energy, and lacking motivation

Not sleeping well

Not eating well, according to the client (e.g., burgers, fast food etc.). Also finding she is eating excessive amount because of boredom

Stopped doing exercise (e.g., going for runs and going to the gym)

Finding herself getting distracted at mahi and making more mistakes than usual

Finding herself thing about things all the time

Thinking about what she did wrong, and why she couldn't make it work

Drinking quite a bit of coffee to get her though the day

Knows she has gained weight but doesn't want to check

Has been avoiding spending time with friends, as generally we meets up with friends at the gym

Finds crying and emotional expression difficult

Doesn't have time for herself and lives at home with mum and sister which is full on

Doesn't really talk to anyone about how she is feeling

Tries to put a mask on at work and hide how she is feeling

Finds work difficult as she sees James at work

General presentation in assessment

Continually looking a feet, and made little eye contact

Well dressed with a buttoned shirt, pants and sandals

Holding arms close to chest, loosely folded

Fidgeting behaviour (i.e., with fingers)

Spoke in a soft voice