"solitary child neglected by his friends"
"neglected" with "friends" invokes sympathy from the reader
Links to "solitary as an oyster", but this time he did not have a choice
Similar emotional response when shown Fezziwig, Fan, and Belle
Deeper meanings
By contrasting this forced decision of being lonely with his later conscious one, it shows that one of the reasons why he is like this is because of his upbringing, encourages change in the reader
We empathise with Scrooge as we now understand that is was not really his decision to be lonely, but his exclusion from society that has led to his decline
His sobbing suggests that he understands that shouldn't have neglected his relationships in return for money, and it is relationships, not money, that brings him happiness
The fact that empathy and compassion are now able to elicit an emotional response from scrooge signifies the start of his transformation
Shows that he was once a child that didn't neglect his friends but instead they neglected him
By encouraging the reader to feel sorry for scrooge, Dickens is inviting the reader to take an interest in his transformation and celebrate with him at the end of the novella
Dickens was neglected as a child, his mother wanted him to stay in the workhouses to earn money - message to readers
Links with ignorance and want, as they are separated from society - it shows what happens when children are separated