When teachers assess students they can do it explicitly by providing a comment for example, or implicitly by not stating anything but with actions that let students know how their performance was. This assessment is usually visualized in two forms: negative and positive; therefore, students will see it in two ways, congratulations, or criticism. In order to help students to improve or to continue with the good work, teachers have the duty to be honest and always let students know how they did and the reasons of his/her comments, as well as to be careful with the way in which they provide the assessment.
They can be done in and outside the classroom and can be both positive and negative. They should be delivered carefully.
Marks and grades
The grading system will depend on the country and/or institution as some use letters (A,B,C,D,F) and others use numbers (1 to 10, 1 to 100); these marks should come with a previously stated criteria either with scales or written and/or spoken explanation or the teacher’s judgment.
In some cases, at the end of a term or year, teachers write reports regarding their students’ performance during the term. These reports should be as clear as possible and should have a balance between positive and negative feedback.