- Focus of the research
Intro anxiety
- What research helped u explore the topic
- How did they help u make your research question
- What was your original research question and hypothesises.
- How did this translate into you identifying the things that built up your study
- How will the method seek to answer the question/hypothesis.
- Did the method change your question. - Discuss why this method had the ability to answer the hypothesis/question
- identify and describe the steps. Defend why your method is the right way of doing it.
- What was the evidence you collected from the method
- How did your findings help to build on the research that is already being done in the field
- How did your evidence lead to a conclusion.
- How does it connect to the original hypothesis/research question
Research about Nature and Anxiety
Anxiety in schools
Anxiety impacts preparation
Many people prepare in study spaces at school
Therefore we should make study spaces in schools more Academic Anxiety friendly
Research about sunlight and anxiety
Research about plants and anxiety
Research about vertical farms
This lead to the question, could vertical farms be used to help enhance study spaces so that kids with Academic anxiety are aided in their studies
The hypothesis' are that the vertical farms will help kids with academic anxiety be less anxious and therefore study better
Again this hypothesis is backed by the fact that natural aspects specifically sunlight and greenery help with anxiety and these elements are modelled by the vertical farms
Introduce method I actually used
- experiment set up
- survey method/purpose
How would this method help to prove the information that teens also are impacted by lights and plants
My method not only identified the reactions to my participants, but also helped to solidify the claims that teens responded positively to nature (supported the previous gap in the research body)
The hypothesis was supported, and research question was answered to the extent I needed
Findings helped to solidify the previous research, and also had implications for the research question
is this supposed to be like the raw data table
Method of categorizing (positive - neutral - negative)
Further implications/Further Research