SDAT 4.7.22 Age of Global Wars (1910-1980)

World Wars

WWI (14-18)

Neo Orthodoxy is born

Carl Bart

2 Others

De mistifying the gospel

Christian nations fight

WWI (39-45)

Liberal Theologens realize that critical methods are not sufficient

To the students saying it is all false; to the church saying Jesus is resurrected in your heart.


This is Armageddon

Emphasis on end time message

Was problematic when the war ended and most of their converts had been because of their end time message.


Daniel 11

Smith thought it was the automen empire

Everyone else thought it was the catholic church


1914 growth of SDA church in Europe grew fast

45% of the Adventist membership lived in Germany

1/3 of adventists were drafted into the German Army

Most pastors and conference workers were drafted

EGW response to the war in Germany

EGW Response; those in europe were drafted and forced to fight it is not the same as the civil war she said. "You have to do the with the options you are given in this place."

They decided fight and work on sabbath if their country was the defender.

Many conversions happened in the German army

German Adventists thought they were defending their country

EGW Response; those in europe were drafted and forced to fight it is not the same as the civil war she said. "You have to do the with the options you are given in this place."

1919 Bible Conference

Topics were those who many disagreed on

Against EGW council to not fight in public.

T1. King of the north king of the south

Eternal existence of Jesus

Some thought he was born from the father at some point

Daily in Daniel 8

Is it good or bad?


Realized that their differences were based on a different understanding of Ellen White's interpretation

Willie White was invited but decided not to go so Daniels

Hidden Minutes

1920's - 1930's

Daniels, White and someone else published against verbal inspiration.

1937 SDA Theological Seminary begins


Biblical Laungegues

Church History

LR From

SDA Bible commentary was very centrist and open to new perspectives

Faith of our fathers


Local Church pastors

Evangelists did all the soul winning




They are often right but cannot argue as well as extroverts

Tend to speak quickly and convincingly

Washburn in south was a strong proponent of verbal inspiration

Evangelist and pastors bring most people into the churches