The play, Romeo and Juliet is relevant today as it highlights conflict in issues such as religion, family, politics and culture.
Russia and Ukraine
Palestine and Israel
African Conflicts
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith
Tigray conflict
Nile dam disputes
West Bank
Ethiopian governemnt
Nile River
Ethiopian Ethnic conflicts
White Nile
Rwanda genocide
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Blue River
Kim and Kanye
Elon Musk and "that girl"
Jordan River home to aquifers and other water sources
Kim stated "I honestly can't do this anymore,"
Grand Renaissance damn
Zionism and Nazi
Election in France
Jordan River
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Conflicts caused because of religion are widely known as religious wars and have been happening from long time ago.
The holocaust
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Syrian civil war
Humanitarian aid
water that is being collected in the grand renassaince damn has caused agricultural affects on Egypt
Helene Pastor
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The Battle of Sauðafell (1550) on Iceland.
The Prayer Book Rebellion (1549) in England.
The Schmalkaldic War (1546–1547) in the Holy Roman Empire.
One family member murders the other family member
One of the most known religious conflicts that we are seeing in today's world is the Israeli and Palestine war.
Watts Family murders
Thirty Year War (1618-1648)
Conflict with tigray on the border
cease to regongnize TPLF and vice versa
The father and husband of the family, Chris Watts, murdered his pregnant wife and his two kids in 2018
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Israel bombing Palestine
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Climate change
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The Jewish and Islam
debate over abortion
The American Civil war
The belief that Jews should be killed
Jada Pinkett Smith cheated on her husband with another man known as "that guy"
Jada wishes she never married Will.
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Dr. Dre and Nicole Young
Other recent conflict around religion was in India New Delhi were Hindu people and Islam people were fighting due to a new citizenship laws in 2020.
The divorce proceedings were brutal, with allegations of abuse and financial abandonment.
Herero and Nama genocide
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was a campaign of ethnic extermination and collective punishment waged by the German Empire against the Herero (Ovaherero), the Nama, and the San in German South West Africa (now Namibia)
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an ongoing multi-sided civil war in Syria fought between the Syrian Arab Republic led by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (supported by domestic and foreign allies) and various domestic and foreign forces that oppose both the Syrian government and each other, in varying combinations
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