Spanish culture in the 16th century
The Counter-Reformation's influence
The complete focus in religion caused Spain to develop slowly
Spanish culture was greatly influence by the Counter-Reformation
the main reasons of this are:
Only books that were written in Spain could be read
Spanish people weren't allowed to study outside Spain
Famous authors:
Realistic POVs intensified
Saint Teresa of Jesus
Saint John of the Cross.
Garcilaso de La Vega
Lazarillo de Tormes
The tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea
main themes were:
Main styles
The church also spread thorugh art
searched for harmony and serenity
mythological themes and nudes were not portrayed.
was influenced by Italian art and Flemish painting
tried to evoke intense feelings
Dramatic quality
tried to strengthen religion
Classicist or Purist style
the Plateresque style
very ornated
worked facades
First third of the century
decoration decreased
pediment and columns gained importance
Second Third of the century
The Classicist style
The Mannerist style
Italy was very influent
important sculptors:
Pompeo Leoni
Leoni Leoni
Faces became more expressive
Tried to evoke more emotions
It's main theme was religion
Main sculptors
Alonso Berruguete
Juan de Juni
Important paintings: :
Important artists:
Juan de Juanes
Michael Angelo
El Greco
The Last Supper
Ecce Homo
The Holy Trinity