Classroom interventions and foreign language anxiety
Oyama, M., & Yamazaki, Y. (2021)

Individual type of intervention

Interactional type of intervention

Mood boosters

Self management

affective strategies

"self-encouragement via positive statements"

positive self-talk


web-based learning

competitive gaming

student-student interaction

teacher-student interaction

teacher feedback

portfolio/formative assessment

Feedback, feed up, feed forward

video chat

dialogue journal

virtual reality

cooperative/collaborative reasoning



contemplative practices and relaxation

work on thoughts and feelings

Relaxation technique



boost confidence

reduce frustration

these methods require future research in L2 education

effective in reducing foreign language learning anxiety

interactions through avatars

Podcasting intervention

higher test scores on speaking test

lower anxiety


mobile applications

increase in L2 speking

increase in listening skills

increase in writing test scores

Google wiki for cross-cultural collaborative learning

Performance type of interaction

improves both individual and interactional dimensions


digital storytelling

cooperative learning group

individualistic leaarning group

lower anxiety

higher test scores

individually increased their FLCA level

mood booster


enhances student-student interactions

Training/Counseling type

improves both individual and interactional dimensions

designed to improve student-student interactions



rational emotive therapy + positive self-talk

decrease in FLA

psychosocial training

lower anxiety in the intervention group (those who got psychosocial training and pronunciation training as well)

with a psychologist

teacher-student interactions

student-student interactions


create a supportive environment and athmosphere

generates psychological trust

helps learners to cope with stressful situations

learners' goals

develop social abilites

sharing ideas on various topics

PLUS L2 pronunciation training

plus: higher pronunciation scores