Insurrectional movements or insurgents

person/s who revolts against a civil authorithy or an established government

temporal IL subjectivity

they become a state if they succeed

they are considered as rebels if they fail

limited IL subjectivity

only some international legal norms apply to them

if damages occur to third subjects

if the insurgence fails: the established state is not responsible only if it had no role in the occurence of damages

if it succeeds, the new government is responsible

if insurgents violate the IL, gthe responsible is

if the insurgence fails, the establshed state is responsible if it has made no effort in preventing the violation of IL

if it succeeds, the new government

intervention of States(direct/indirect)

legitimate: in favour of the established government

prohibited: in favour of insurgents


they are NOT IL subjects

IL includes peoples' self-determination among its main principles

a combination of the right to self-determination upon people and the oblogation to be under the customary norms upon all states

they differ from minorities and indigenous people


it arose during the period of de-colonization

stated in UN charter, UN GA

ICJ's decisions/opinions dealing with the self-determination

1971 Namibia

On 1966, the GA decided the termination of rights to administer South Africa, but the presence of the south african authorities continued; in 1971, the Court of Justice declared the illegality of these authorities and imposed the obligation of withdrawal of the administration

ICJ opinion(52,53): self determination is applicable to all those territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government

1975 Western Sahara

ICJ opinion: the unconditional end of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations is necessary, all peoples have the right to self-determination, they are free to determine their political status, to pursue their economic, social and cultural development

1995 East Timor

ICJ judgement(29): the violation of the principle of self determination has erga omnes effects, meaning that it is considered as a violation towards all international legal subjects

2004 wall in Palestine

ICJ opinion(159): all States are under the obligation to not recognize the illegal construction of the wall in Palestine, no aid or assitance in maintaining this situation is allowed. All obstacles to the Palestine peoples' right to self determination must come to an end

External seld-determination

independence from foreign domination, the right of people to be part of their own state

allowed also through use of force

Internal self-determination

the right of people to choose its own form of government

not regulated by IL