Twizeyama and Anderson (2019)
Definition of public value as citizens' collective expectations in respect to government and public services
Definition of eGov as governments' use of ICT combined with organizational change to improve structures and operation
- digital divide
- lack of skills for design, implementation, use and management of eGov systems
- inadequate e-infrastruture
eGov initiatives fail due to a poor understanding of the eGov concept, process and functions
Sucess depends on how citizens perceive the value of service adoption
strategic goals go beyond economical gains to account for political and social objectives such as efficiency in public service, equal treatment of constituents, social inclusion, openness, community regeneration, community well-being, stewardship and accountability
Ndou's Framework
Transformation areas: internal (ICT for efficiency), external (transperency); relational (services would fit in here)
Users, stakeholders, interrelationships: citizens, business, governments employees
Application domains: e-administration (automation and connections), e-services (delivery) e-citizen (enable relationships among public agencies, citizens and civil community in general)
Overarching public value dimensions
Improved Public Services
adoption of digital platforms
improved access
delivery of service
responsiveness, efectiveness
citizen engagement
level of quality
quantity, but also inclusive and personalized services
Improved Administration
Open Government Capabilities
OG for citizens for financial, social, political or strategic values
political possibilities and innovations
public engagement, sharing of database, skills and resources
democratic dimensons: openness, transparency, participation and collaboration
Karkin and Jansen (2014): A transparent environment is established by a proactive dissemination of timely information to citizens.
Improved Ethical Behaviour
Foundational values: robustness, reliability
Responsabilities to the citizen
Automation to remove face-toface intereaction
propoer and eficient use of public funds
Improved Administrative Efficiency
operations sustainable, flexible, robust, lean, agile
better management of public resources
better communication, collaboration, cooperation
enabling public empowerment and capacity building
transparency, participation, inclusiveness
maintaing accurate, durable resources
impartially serving citizens
durable and competent institutional capacity
Removes human from decision-making chain, rules can be formalized and embedded in the IT artifact, delivering greater fairness, equality (isonomia), reducing risks of corruption and abuse of the law
reducing queues and bottlenecks
efficiency, effectiveness, quality, lower costs
Improved Social Value
Improved Confidence and Trust in eGov
social trust = government secures public information and privacy
public trust = providing the public better access to gov information and services, increasing flexibility, reliability and customer service
citizen participation and transparency
Improved Social value and well-being
increased safety, trust, social and economic well-being
increasing social status, relationships and oportunity
values created for families and community
enabeling freedom, capacity building, empowerment, equal rights, health, security, satisfaction and general well-being
social media platforms increase citizens' level of social contact
Gangl, Hofman, Kirchler (2015)
Tax Authority
Legitimate Power
Coercitive Power
Rational based Trust
Implicit Trust
click to edit
click to edit
Overarching Public dimension
Improved Administration
Improved Public Services
Improved Social Value
Improved Confidence and Trust in eGov
Framework (icegov 2022)
e-services adoption in tax administration
Service Climate
Trust in technology (privacy and security)
Trust in institution increases empowerment and willingness to collaborate
E-service Design
Utility or perception of value (Al-Hurjan)
Easyness to use
Governmental Readiness
gov shows transparency
improvement of service
enable channels for citizen participation
Collaborative Process
Channels (chat, ombudsmand, telephone, "contact us")
empowerment by citizens -> sense contribution is positve -> e-service design
benefits collective in nature
improving of e-service
staff implements ideas of citizens
positive perception of citizens
gov obtains new ideas