Complete a review paper summarizing the existing empirical and theoretical literature on the risks of groundwater quality deterioration of heavily exploited aquifers. To do this: 1) group the processes that threaten groundwater quality into categories physical vs. chemical, and local (including well bore hole) vs. regional; 2) discuss groups of contaminants of concern (i.e., anthropogenic/geogenic, organic/inorganic) and under what circumstances (geologic setting, climate, land use) the contaminants may become a threat to human consumption; and 3) discuss the limitations of the empirical (time series, spatiotemporal statistics, well construction and geological information) and modeling approaches to proving that a causal link between pumping and water quality deterioration exists.
In terms of length it can be as long as you need it to be to complete the assignment and or exhibit your knowledge and understanding of this area. Graphs, sketches, and tables are encouraged as are numbered headings and sub-headings.