Identify Problem / Objective

Low Margin

Prioritize Hidden Gem Products in Acquisition efforts

Info needed:
Products that generate the highest lifetime margin, and are not pushed in media buying efforts.
ICP or data about buyers of those products (Google Analytics can be a start)

Prioritize profitable cohorts in acquisition efforts


CRO Activities

Personalize Website Experience

Low Repeat Purchase Rate

Create omnichannel flows

Add package inserts for 1st order

Create onboarding flows

Onboard New Passions

Onboard Apprentices

Add personalised package inserts for customers that are at their first order that contain incentives to places next order.

The incentives can be personalised based on ADBT, past buyer behaviour based on categories / products, margin / value of order etc.

Build Loyalty Program

Eliminate Toxic products

Low Conversion Rate

CRO Activities

Personalize Website Experience

High CAC

Target lookalikes of best customers

Target custom audiences based on contents of past orders

Low number of new customers

Increase Customer Acqusition Cost


Create omnichannel flows

Prevention Flows

Prevent New Passions From Churning

Prevent Potential Lovers & Flirting from churning

Reactivation Flow

Reactivate Ex Lovers

Reactivate Don Juans

Add package inserts for 2nd + order

Build Loyalty Program

Info needed:
Look for first purchase cohorts that generate the highest lifetime margin based on Categories Bought, Sources of Acquisition, Month of purchase, Location.
ICP or data about buyers from those cohorts (Google Analytics can be a start)

Info needed:
Look for behavior based on products / categories bought such as: Categories bought (in the same or different orders), Products bought (in the same or different orders)

Info needed:
Information per RFM Group such as: AOV, categories bought, AVG Margin

Info needed:
Look for behavior based on products / categories bought such as: Categories bought (in the same or different orders), Products bought (in the same or different orders)

Info needed:
Information per RFM Group such as: AOV, categories bought, AVG Margin

Show different banners / listings / sections based on what the customer is more likely to buy

Show vouchers with discounts based on the RFM Group Margin

Show products / bundles with pricing close to AOV of RFM Group / Past orders

Create dedicated media buying campaigns for those products with a CAC based on lifetime margin & customised targeting

Create dedicated media buying campaigns targeting most profitable Geo Locations with adapted CAC

Create dedicated media buying campaigns promoting most profitable Categories with adapted CAC

Prioritise media buying budget towards most profitable sources of acquisition.

Prioritise media buying budget based on seasonality (most profitable cohort by month).

Show different banners / listings / sections based on what the customer is more likely to buy

Show products / bundles with pricing close to AOV of RFM Group / Past orders

Info needed:
Applies for logged in visitors.

Info needed:
Applies for logged in visitors.

Info needed:
ADBT / Category or product (If high number of categories or products)
RFM Group
Number of order
Bought Category

Info needed:
RFM Group of customer / Numbers of orders placed
RFM Data such as: Avg. Margin, AOV, Bought categories etc.
Categories Bought together
ADBT / RFM Group
ADBT / Categories bought

Add subcriptions

Info needed:
NPS Analysis that shows products that generate a low post delivery NPS
Data analysis that shows products with a low Retention Rate

Fix the issues that are shown through NPS Analysis - Stop selling the product / Stop promoting the product

Info needed:
List of products that have a lower ADBT

Create subscriptions for those products at a more attractive price


Problema pe care o are clientul sau obiectivul pe care l-am stabilit impreuna cu clientul.

Actiunea de strategie pentru a rezolva acea problema

Detalierea de aplicare a acelei solutii (Aici vor veni proceduri detaliate, pas cu pas)

Informatiile / research-ul de care avem nevoie ca sa putem implementa solutia. Acestea se vor gasi si in procedurile detaliate.

Info needed:
Completarea informatiilor in fisierul "eCommerce Growth Formula TTC"

Info needed:
RFM Group of customer / Numbers of orders placed
RFM Data such as: Avg. Margin, AOV, Bought categories etc.
Categories Bought together
ADBT / RFM Group
ADBT / Categories bought

Add personalised package inserts based on what order the customer is at (2nd, 3rd, 4th+) that contain incentives to places next order.

The incentives can be personalised based on ADBT, Avg. Margin, RFM Group etc.

Info needed:
ADBT / Category or product (If high number of categories or products)
RFM Group
Number of order

Create lookalike audiences based on Lovers & Soulmates and create dedicated media buying campaigns with personalised assets

Info needed:
RFM Groups to be sent to FB. Ads, Google Ads etc.
AVG. Lifetime margin

Create custom audiences based products / categories bought and create dedicated media buying campaigns with personalised assets (recommend products most likely to convert)

Info needed:
Categories & products bought together (in the same or separate orders)

Simulate increase in CAC while increasing the number of acquired customers. Keep everything else at the same value and find the optimal CAC based on generated margin uplift

Info needed:
Data in "eCommerce Growth Formula TTC"

Proiecte de SEO (to be detailed)

Make use of subscriber lists / users with account to transform them in customers

Clienti cu 1+ comenzi plasate si 0+ comenzi livrate