The organic compound is a clear, orange liquid. Dilute hydrochloric acid is a colorless, clear liquid. When we placed a few drops of hydrochloric acid in test tube A containing organic compound, bubbles appeared and the mixture turned blurry. In test tube B we placed sodium nitrate, which is a white, solid matter. Distilled water is a colorless, clear liquid. When distilled water is put in the test tube, sodium nitrate dissolves, creating a clear mixture. β-naphtol in test tube C is a light red/pink solid. Sodium hydroxide is a clear, colorless liquid. When it is placed in test tube C, β-naphthol dissolves creating a blurry, light brown solution. When the mixture from test tube B was added to test tube A, the solution turned yellow/orange, bubbles appeared. The resulting solution was added to test tube C, the mixture turned dark red.