Judaism Revision

Nature of God

God is all powerful (Omnipotent)

God is all knowing (Omniscient)

God is everywhere (Omnipresent)

Monotheism - 1 God

Reflected in the Shema "The Lord is one"

God is a creator

God is eternal

God wants his people to follow his laws


Sin means missing the mark

Anything against the 613 Mitzvot is a sin

People are born neutral but 2 impulses develop, Yetzer Hara and Yetzer Tov.

Yetzer Hara (the bad impluse) can lead people to do bad things and Yetzer Tov leads to good things

Sins against people are very serious.

There are 2 types of sin, one against people and one against God

The Covenant


Abrahams decendants would inherit the promise land

Worship 1 God

All Jewish males to be circumsized at 8 days old


Jewish people were to be Gods chosen people

Keep all of the 613 Mitzvot

Keep shabbat

Read the torah

Go to the synagogue

Symbols of the covenant


"Here O Israel the lord is out God the lord is one"

Recite twice a day (morning and night)

Strengthens connection with God


Wear this at morning prayer


Sign of a jewish house

2 passages of torah inside




Recite Shema prayer twice a day

Reading of the Torah

Celebrating festavils like passover yom kippur and shabbat


The Torah is explained in more detail

Strengthens Jewish community

Keeps tradition

Important to acknowledge festivals together

Support and encouragement of others


Centred around family/Home

Going to the syngogue isnt aone of the 613 Mitzvot

Personal relationship with God

Faith is more important than attending the Synagogue


The Torah is the 5 books of Moses

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Contains Jewish teachings including the 613 Mitzvot

Mitzvot cover all areas of life, e.g Festivals, food, shabbat etc

Teaches discipline

Builds character by teaching Jews how God wants them to treat other people.

Responsibility of the covenant (Moses)

Develop a relationship with God

Brit Malah

Means: Cutting of the covenant

Circumcision of a Jewish male (8 days old)

Naming Ceremony

Commanded by God

Outward sign of the covenant


Strengthens relationship with God

Keeping of the covenant


Can be seen as barbaric - the baby doesnt have a choice in it

Outdated, hundreds of years ago the covenant was made so its no longer relevant

Moral Responsabilities

Lashon Hara

Do not gossip. To gossip would be to affect 3 people The gossiper, the person whos hearing it, and the person its about.


To give 10% of your sallary to charity

CHildren encouraged to give pocket money to charity

To give to charity

Find a Tzedaka box in a synagogue or Jewish shop or home


After Life


Gan Eden


Olam Ha-ba

The world to come

The place of the dead/underworld

To be with God

Place of perfection

Hell like place

Evil people go there