They are those that are carried out between members of the same species, in which they compete for the couple for reproduction, nutrients, water, light, space, nesting and breeding areas, among
others. There are two forms of this type of relationship which are competition and cooperation
Cooperation is a modality of intraspecific relationships that includes the colony,
society, gregarious and family associations; They are characterized by mutual help between
organisms of the same species that make up the population.
It consists of the permanent and close union between organisms of the same species that
collaborate functionally, in which the individuals are physically united. They present division of
labor, so that organisms specialize in certain functions such as reproduction, defense, obtaining
food, etc.
They are groups formed by a large number of organisms of the same species, in which
they all live together, it is permanent and they maintain dependency relationships between them, they present a division of labor and a high degree of specialization that is manifested in
morphological differentiation and social ranking of group members.
They are made up of a large number of organisms of the same species, they are
occasional or temporary, with or without ties of kinship, which have common activities and come
Family associations
: It occurs between members of a family; it can be temporary or they can be
united for several generations. They have the purpose of grouping for learning and caring for the
young, protection, recognition of family members or to reproduce.
It manifests itself as a social behavior, since the individuals involved belong to the
same species, therefore, they tolerate each other, which limits the number of organisms that live in a
given place, and compete for the same resources