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Biology: Sexual reproduction - Coggle Diagram
Biology: Sexual reproduction
Fetilisation- two gametes fuse to create a new individual organism or offspring.
Ovulation- the release of an egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube
Implantation- when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterine lining
Gestation- the period of time between conception and birth
Birth- bringing offspring into the world from the body of its mother
Menstration- normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle
When the egg is not fertilised- corpus luteum will produce progesterone for around 14 days. Maintains lining of the uterus. After 14 days the corpus luteum will breakdown and the supply of progesterone will stop. Lining of the uterus will then breakdown and menstruation occurs.
Meiosis- type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces gamete cells. The type of cell division that creates egg and sperm cells.
Mitosis- process where a single cell divides into two identical cells. The process of making new body cells.
Antenatal care
Advantages of breastfeeding- nutrition, boosting immunity, less likelihood that the baby suffers constipation or diarrhoea, more protection against allergies, convenience, faster
Advantages of bottle feeding- less anxiety, more sleep, comfort, no infections for the mother, convenience
Birth control
Rhythm method- woman keeps track of period cycle and predicting ovulation but not reliable
Body temperature tracking- temperature taken every day and a spike indicated ovulation, less stick cervical mucus but still not reliable
The pill- taken orally by female, contains hormones oestrogen and progesterone, taken every day, has side effects on blood pressure, breast soreness, weight gain and depression
Spermicide- cream, foam or jelly and inserted into vagine before intercource
IUD- small plastic device that may contain hormones, fits inside uterus and prevents sperm passing through
Diaphragm- rubber dome placed over the cervix, prevents sperm entering the uterus
Condom- thin rubber sheath covering penis, stops sperm entering the woman's body and protects against STI's
Femidom- female equivalent of a condom
Vasectomy- sperm duct is cut and tied to prevent release of sperm, ejaculation still happens but no sperm in it
Sterilisation- woman has her tubes tied (tubal ligation), involved the oviduct being cut and tied to prevent eggs entering
Why have birth control- enables planning for a family (until financially secure), allows parents to limit the size of their family, prevents unwanted pregnancy
Methods of birth control work by...- stopping sort getting to the egg, stopping eggs from being made, stopping eggs from reaching the oviduct, stopping the fertilised egg from implanting into the uterus
Fertility treatment
Causes of infertility- age, low sperm count, poor sperm quality, infrequent ovulation, blockage of fallopian tubes
Treatments available for infertility- surgery, ovulation induction, sperm or embryo donation
Smoking- harm the development of the baby, can result in underweight babies, nicotine and carbon monoxide cross the placenta and enter the metal blood system
Alochol- crosses the placenta, cause fatal alochol syndrome, birth defects or mental retardation
Diet- calcium- for growing bones. iron- making extra red blood cells for mother and fetus. protein- mother and foetus need amino acids to build new tissues
Male and Female parts
Males and their functions
Ureter- brings urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Sperm structure
Sperm duct- carries the sperm from testes to the penis
Seminal vesicle- adds nutrients to the semen
Prostate gland- adds nutrients and fluids to the semen
Testes- makes the male gametes
Epididymis- stores and matures the sperm
Females and their functions
Uterus- muscular space to hold the growing fetus
Egg structure
Nucleus- contains the cell
Cytoplasm- provides nutrients
Corona radiata- provides nutrients
Jelly coat- stops too many sperm reaching the egg
High food store
One per month
Endometrium- nutrient lining of the uterus- provides nutrients via placenta to the baby
Vagina- entrance to the womb
Cervix- narrow opening to the uterus from outside
Ovary- eggs are made and matured here
Fallopian tube (oviduct)- the tube down which the egg (ovum) passes to get from ovary to the uterus
Fundus- muscular roof of the womb
Oestrogen- in females- helps with puberty
Progesterone- regulating menstruation and helps with pregnancy
Testosterone- In males
FSH and LH- Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are called gonadotropins because stimulate the glands - in males, the testes, and in females, the ovaries. They are not necessary for life, but are essential for reproduction.
Prevention- condoms, dont have sex
AIDS- months or yeats after infection by the HIV virus. No cure.
HIV- infection transmitted by body fluids, during unprotected sex. Injecting drugs using shared needles.