Training and knowledge management

Information and Communication Technologies

focuses on the unification of information technology and telecommunications

such as telephone lines and wireless signals

have positively impacted the economic relations of organizations, producing a greater speed of economic convergence

the use of computers are responsible for this process

They allow organizations to store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in digital form.

promote economic growth in developing countries

The internalization and globalization of markets

The globalization of markets is the process that enables the connection and business interaction between different countries

Internalization is a strategy that allows a company to achieve the power to market its products or locate itself in another country in the world, other than its country of origin.

allows the increase in sales, helps reduce the company's risks and increases the competitiveness of companies

characteristics of the new environment


characterized by the presence of an underlying instability or exchange rate


studies the number of components of the environment and their impact on the sector.

constant changes

Frequent changes to which companies are subjected


if in the sector there is a lack of complete information on environmental factor

super competitiveness

ability of a company to make its business profitable thanks to the implementation of strategies that represent a competitive advantage

The most used research methodologies in knowledge management and intangibles

design methodologies

is to create a plan for a product to work and be successful in the market

The methodologies of empirical studies

research models that seek to obtain knowledge from the observation of reality.

obey three types




Knowledge management theory

process by which the performance of individuals and organizations is improved and the present and future value of knowledge assets is maintained and realized

Knowledge creation and innovation


empirical knowledge

does not start from assumptions or logical deductions, but uses observation and experimentation

the tacit knowledge

is used intuitively and unconsciously, and is acquired through experience

The creation of knowledge refers to “thinking”,

innovation is oriented to “doing”

The strategic management of knowledge

It is one of the main tasks of those who run an organization

It helps to establish the direction of the company, the delimitation of objectives and the organization of work.

The knowledge economy

set of economic activities that require an intensive contribution of human knowledge to generate value and offer society new products and services


information and communications infrastructure.

economic incentives and institutional regimes

education and human resources

innovation systems

The theory of resources and capabilities

states that organizations are different from each other based on the resources and capabilities they possess, distinguishing one from another

The organizational structure is one of the central parts of any type of organization.

knowledge-based organizations are those whose main object and resource is the transformation of knowledge, to obtain innovation, learning and improvement in techniques

The educational organization is the area where the training action is carried out to enable the person to grow, improve, develop fully and transcend.

The impact of ICT on organizational structures

The “N-Form” or company in the form of a network

business model formed from a union of small legally independent companies, but coordinated by the same production cycle.

It is a technology that consists of sharing the same computer system for many teams, sharing resources and applications globally.


Through these companies have high competitiveness in the professional market.

The creation of new knowledge and innovation

It is a dynamic process that through the generation, development, implementation and exploitation of new ideas allows organizations to achieve better results than their competition.

it is oriented to “doing” something new and is related to knowledge and its use.

It allows the use of resources to obtain greater economic or social benefits.

Talent management and innovation

human talent as that human force or those collaborators that positively influence business performance and the productivity of any organization

its objective

is to obtain the maximum creation of value for the organization by promoting positive change, facilitating progress

Information management

discipline that is responsible for everything related to obtaining the right information, in the right way

main objectives

efficient and economical use of information and to ensure a continuous supply of information

maximize the value and benefits derived from the use of information

minimize acquisition cost

processing and use of information

determine responsibilities for effective use

The intangible assets of the organization are a source of sustainable competitive advantage capable of providing organizational value and translate into significant benefits

Intangible assets have their origin in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of people

Intangible assets are called Intellectual Capital

intellectual capital

the fundamental raw material for knowledge management

Benefits of intellectual capital

Constantly updated

Recognize human talent

Business organization and process structuring


