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The Modern age: it is a historical period from the 15th to the 18th…
The Modern age: it is a historical period from the 15th to the 18th century
When the modern age starts
some historers thing that it starts in 1453 whith the fall of the Bizantines
some historers thing that it starts in 1492 whith the discover of America
The fuedal system enters in a period of crisis:they were subtituted by the Modern state which was based in the acumulation of large amounts of capital, because of this bourgeasy gain importance
INternational panorama
disaparence of the Bizantine Empire in 1453
geographical discoveries feom the kingdoms of Castilla and Portugal
Struggle for European hagemony
The wester religius unity collapsed: this was becaused the protestan reformation
Medeval culturewas replaced by a new world view
the discoveries
Religious and ideological causes
Religious causes: the peninsular kingdom mantein the figh against infidels and to create alliances, they also were interested in spreading cristianyty in new countries
Ideological causesthe humanists were interested in checking the veracity of ancient texts and the accuarency of mathematical and astronomical methods
scientific and technical causes
scientific causes : people start thinking that the Earth was round
technical causesthe compas the improvement of the atrolabe, the development of cartography and the creation of new tipes of ships
political and economic causes
economic: they need new routes for trade because the rutes of the Bizantines were closed
political When they conquest the Iberian peninsula they start taking new territories to obtein gold silver and glory
The discoveries 2
POrtuguese discoveries
T¡Henry the navigator encouraged the developmentof naviagation skills.
there was a revality whith Castilla with the exploratiorations so they create the treaty of Alcasovasin 1479, these trade give Castilla the Canary slands and Portugal was allowed to explore fthe Africans coastes. After a long time Bartolomeu Dias rounded the cape of good Hope and later Vasco de Gama reached India
Castillian discoveries: America was discovered by Cristophere Colombusin 1492, at first Colon propose these expedition tom portugal bat they reject the offerd so later he proposed the same to Castilla and when they conquered the Iberian Peninsulathey acept. Cristobal returned to Castilla thinging that he reach the indies
the birth of the modern state
authoritarean monarchies:the feudal European onarchies became intoauthoritarian monarchies, the king reinford his power.
They took root in France eangland and in the kingdoms of the Iberian peninsula
instruments of royal power
control of the state powersmonarchs impoused their autority in high ranking nobility
Improved administrationwere the monarchs were establist the city of the country was
territorial unification: they unified their territoriesand extend their size
creation of a permanent army : Monarchs sustitude the feudal troops with a permanent army made up of paid mercenaries
Organisation of internal relations diplomatic relations were created it was bassed in the ambassadorsthat defend their monarchs interest and resolve conflicts peacefuly