Classroom interventions to cope with FLA

The Individual type


Affective strategies

By teaching affective strategies to the learnres, language teachers can help them develop their emotion management capabilities

Positive self-talk or self-encouragement via positive statements is another ype of affective strategy

Self-regulated strategy

It aims to enhance affective, behavioral, and cognitive aspects of learning and effectively reduces L2 writing anxiety as well as improving L2 skills

Mood boosters

Contemplative practices

Relaxation techniques



Reduce frustration and boost confidence


Competitive gaming

Web-based learning

These interventions have the potential to bring enjoyment, concentration, or excitement to L2 learners

The Interactional Type

Student–student interactions

Teacher-student interactions

Only student–student communication may not result in FLA reduction

Peer feedback and group work were not effective for FLAR

Peer reviewing in L2 writing, however, seems to be effective

Portfolio assessment (enhances teacher-student communication) was found effective in reducing FLA

Teacher feedback, feed up, and feed forward also resulted in a significant reduction in FLA

Virtual world/reality

lower anxiety and higher speaking test scores

In the virtual world, interactions are achieved through avatars.

Video chat

Student–student interactions through text chat, online forums, and face-to-face interaction - FLA was reduced

However, using email for dialogue journal writing to enhance student–student interactions and synchronous text chat between a teacher and a student were not effective in reducing FLA