As exemplary cases of the changes, we have the inclusion of new educational
technology in public education, such as computers and the Internet, which will
improve the knowledge of Ecuadorian students. Increasingly, public institutions
have access to this technology that is spreading worldwide. Other types of state
policies, such as a greater and better collection of taxes from those who have
more income, will allow for a better redistribution of income through the
construction of public works for the benefit of the entire population, such as access to
roads, schools, public transportation, hospitals, and popular housing. In addition,
an increase in income taxes on imported products will protect artisans and small
and medium-sized national enterprises from the competition with foreign goods.
In recent years, the arrival of large quantities of imported products seriously
affected small producers and caused unemployment and emigration. Products
such as shoes, clothing, metal items, etc., will have good prices for small producers in
the Andean Sierra, located in provinces such as Tungurahua, Pichincha, and
Cotopaxi. In addition, the export of agroindustrial products, such as fruits, flowers, and vegetables, directed to the
international market, will create more jobs for the population in provinces, such as
Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Guayas, Los Ríos, and El Oro.