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Unit 5: The Nazi occupation of Europe 1939-45 - Coggle Diagram
Unit 5: The Nazi occupation of Europe 1939-45
Eastern Europe - harshest
Nazis invaded Poland in 1939 as a part of their plan for
100s and 1000s of Poles living closest to Germany were moved east to the
General Government Region
- Aryan groups were moved in
in the General Government Region Polish culture, education and leadership were destroyed by closing universities and arresting leaders
Slavi Poles were consideed to be
and 1.9million non-jewish people were murdered
3 million Jewihs Poles were first concentrated in
and then murdered bu the end of the war - 85% of the Jewish population
Western Europe - harsh but some freedom
Netherlands surrendered to Germany in May 1940 following bombing and invasion
Dutch people shared the same ethnic background as the Germans - they were treated differently
Royal family and government fled to the UK, but many civil servants continued working and the education system was not changed
1942, the first Jewish deportations took place - many workers went on strike in protest
Resitance continued - illegal printing presses, 30,000 people in hiding
WW2 brought millions more Jewish people under German control
Naziz first ghettoise Jewish people, largest ghetto in Warsaw - 445,000 people
1941, Nazis began systematically murdering Jewish people -
units followed behind normal troops, massacring 1 million people
1942, Nazis agree at
Wannsee conference
a new efficient mathod to replace
- deportation of Jewish people and death by gas
Final solution
- mixture of concentration snf death camps, 1.1million killed at
resulted in the deaths of 6million Jewish people an 5million others
Most people didn't resist, and those who did only resisted in a minor way
occupied countries had range of violent resistance groups with variety of tactics
Nazis set up
puppet governments
that would obey Nazi rule
treatment of resisters was harsh - typically torture and execution
some occupied people actively participated - Dutch and Danish SS units
some people resisted but other people accomodated the Nazis