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Poverty and Environmental Psychology - Coggle Diagram
Poverty and
Environmental Psychology
The inability from an economic, material, and physical point of view to meet the basic needs of food and non-food as measured by expenditure.
(BPS, 2016)
Environmental Theories
Behavior Constraint
An individual may acquire learned helplessness when repeated efforts fail to gain control over excessive or undesirable environmental stimuli.
Response to the perceived loss
of freedom in an environment
Directing behavior to change the environment
There are some policies for residents of Jagir Dam settlements. Their homes were evicted by the government. But the government gave them 2 options;
The government give them a certain amount of money for them to use
The government give them a place to live, but they have to move within 5 years
The 3 Perspectives In Environment
Psychology Related to The Poverty
(ini blm selese)
Ecology (Bronfenbenner)
View individual development as a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the surrounding environment, from immediate settings of the family to broad cultural values, laws, and customs.
Geography determinism
Asserts that human history, culture, society and lifestyles, development, etc. are shaped by their physical environment
People who live near the the port area will work as sailors or crew members
Cognitive (Stress Environment)
Environmental stresses, such as natural disasters, can cause stress in poor socio-economic individuals
Not enough food storage, house damage, physical damage
Constraint Theory
Root of Causes
People in poverty have constraints because of their environment
Slum area
Slums are residential areas which quality is unfit for habitation
organism environment fit mode
: the suitability of the environmental design with the behavior accommodated in that environment. the existence of patterns of behavior that have been arranged or called 'programs' associated with the setting of the place.
Response to the perceived loss of freedom in an environment
Learned helplessness
People try to reaffirm their control by anticipating environmental factors that constraint their behaviour. this anticipationn called
psychological reactance
. when this anticipation failed
learn helplessness
situations in the environment sometimes bring obstacles for the people. the obstacles can actually be from the environment itself or from their cognitive interpretation. this kind of situations causing behaviour constraints
The economic is not sufficient
Narrow job opportunities
It is undeniable that today's technological advances have an impact on the lack of job opportunities. Many human jobs are currently being replaced by machines. This lack of job opportunities causing lots of unemployment and leads to poverty.
Job opportunities are also related to the education level of the community. most people with low levels of education are not accepted into jobs. it can be concluded that a low level of education also reduces job opportunities.
Jakarta (BPS)
Jakarta's poverty rate reached 4.67% or 498.290 people in September 2021. It declined by 0.05% or 3.63 thousand people in March 2021.
Surabaya (BPS)
Poverty Rate Increases by 0.21%. Based on data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2021, the poor population in Surabaya is recorded at 5.23 percent or 152,489 people.
Medan (BPS)
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) noted that in 2019 the number of poor people in Medan City was 183, 79 thousand people or about 8.08 percent of the total population.
Bandung (BPS)
Referring to data from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) 117,700 people in that year, the number of poor people in 2019 was 85,670 people.
Semarang (BPS)
The number of poor people in Semarang City in 2021 will reach 84.45 thousand people (4.56 percent)
Poverty countermeasure
program created by
Indonesian Government
1st Cluster
Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)
social protection program that provides cash assistance to Rumah Tangga
Sangat Miskin (RTSM)
short-term: reduce RTSM financial problem
long-term: break the cycle of poverty between generations
Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS)
government program to provide funding for non-personnel costs for primary and junior secondary education units as a form of implementation of the compulsory education program
meringankan beban masyarakat terhadap pembiayaan pendidikan dalam rangka wajib belajar sembilan tahun yang bermutu
Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM)
assistance provided to students from underprivileged families to be able to carry out learning activities at school.
students from underprivileged circles can continue their education at school
Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (JAMKESMAS)
social assistance programs for health services for the poor and near-poor.
improve access to the poor and near-poor in order to obtain health services
Beras Untuk Keluarga Masyarakat (RASKIN)
food subsidies intended for poor families as an effort from the government
improve food security and provide protection to poor families.
2nd Cluster
Program Nasional
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM)
A national program in the form of a policy framework as the basis and reference for the implementation of community empowerment-based poverty reduction programs.
PNPM Mandiri Perkotaan
The establishment of community institutions to represent the voices of the poor who are aspirational, representative, and become a forum for solving problems that exist in their area
Planning to increasing the access for the urban poor to social services, infrastructure and facilities as well as funding (capital)
Prioritizing the role of City/Regency Governments so that they are increasingly able to meet the needs of the poor
PNPM Infrastruktur Sosial Ekonomi Wilayah
A program that was needed to reduce inter-regional, poverty alleviation, and reduce the open unemployment rate
Program Perluasan Dan Pengembangan
Kesempatan Kerja/Padat Karya Produktif
To build the community's economy through activities that are productive in nature by utilizing the potential of natural resources, human resources and existing simple technology as well as market opportunities
3rd Cluster
Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR)
National government loan funds in the form of Kredit Modal Kerja (KMK) or Kredit Investasi (KI). The government helps cover through a guarantee program up to a maximum of 70% of the credit ceiling
improve access to bank financing which was previously limited to large-scale businesses
Kredit Usaha Bersama (KUBE)
A program that aims to improve the ability of KUBE members in meeting the needs of daily life, marked by: increasing family income; improving the quality of food, clothing, housing, health, education level
Increasing the ability of KUBE members in overcoming problems that may occur in their families and with their social environment
Increasing the ability of KUBE members in displaying their social roles, both within the family and in their social environment
Program Penanggulangan
Kemiskinan Kabinet
Indonesia Bersatu II
Psychological Analysis
Related to family and neighborhood
The air they breathe, the water they drink, and the buildings in which they play are disproportionately exposed to harmful pollutants and other household contaminants
Highly neurotoxic and associated with a variety of cognitive impairments
Parents in poor family may not giving enough care and avoid emotional bonds with their children due to the stressing environment and frustrations
These children, when they become parents, may be unprepared and unable to meet the needs of their own children
The need for consistent, stimulating, and responsive parenting is thought to be important
Related to cultural
and social structure
Rational self-interest and calculating conduct act to weaken the traditional bonds of family, kinship, and religion that permeate the Gemeinschaft’s structure.
Human relations are more impersonal and indirect, being rationally constructed in the interest of efficiency or other economic and political considerations
That the sense of community was paramount to the quality of life and well-being. It has the feeling that one is part of a readily available, supportive, and dependable structure, that is part of everyday life and not just when disasters strike
To analyze the influence of the physical environment on individual behavior
A condition that mainly affects adolescents or young adults who live isolated from the world locked in their bedrooms for days, months, or even years on end, and refusing to communicate even with their family.
Kurt Lewin
Field Theory
Behavior is the results of the environment and the individuals
The behavior of the poor is influenced by several factors, including; "Person" and "Environment". The "Person" factor relates to the nature/behavior, motivation, mindset, etc.
The "Environment" factor is not only a place where individuals grow, but includes the social environment (the state of the local community). These things affect the individual's response to the circumstances around them