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Consequences and Management of International Economic Migration &…
Consequences and Management of International Economic Migration & Poland: 2.2.2
How does migration create an inter-dependant world?
Economic & Social Interdependence:
Remittances sen home (can generate as much as 37 % of GDP - Tonga - Poland = 2.7% of GDP)
Migrant workers essential part of host country - provide economic & social services
Political & environmental interdependence:
Closer political partnerships develop between nations that are socio-economically inter dependant e.g EU
Leads to cooperation in tackling global issues e.g climate change - EU scientists migrate to work in other EU states/ partnership between unis - cooperation from top trickles down to smaller partnerships
Benefits and Risks of inter-dependance:
Bring end to conflict/reduce e.g UN
Host country with diaspora - strong geopolitical ties with home country e.g South Korea's strengthens ties with US (1.7m identified as Korean in 2010 census)
UK recession (2008) - building projects cancelled - migrants lost work - stopped remittances - Estonia's economy shrank 13%
Threat to national sovereignity
How does the global elite migrating benefit countries?
Some hold economic knowledge, highly skilled, IT pros - quaternary sector
India sometimes suffers from brain drain - large numbers of medical & IT pros migrate away
Reduce global inequalities - elites pay tax and tax trickles down
Or potentially exacerbate global inequality by not paying taxes or tax haven - lead to tension
also they don't tend to go to developing countries more likely uk/us - widening dev gap
Positives & Negatives of consequences of selected migratory movements:
Positives for Host region:
Fill skill shortages (Indian doctors to UK in 50s)
Economic migrants willing to do low-paid jobs
Working migrants pay taxes
Migrants start businesses (14% of start-ups are migrant owned)
Negatives for Host:
Social tensions if citizens believe migration leads to lack of jobs and housing
Lack of school places - stress on local authorities
Employers may favour using migrants instead of citizens as they can offer lower wages
Positives for Sources regions:
Bangladesh - remittances exceed foreign investment - direct aid to communities previously excluded - bottom up development and aid
Migrants may return with new skills
Negatives for Source:
Economic loss of entire generation of workers - esp with press on education and many from young generations having higher economic prospects
Increase in proportion of aged dependants as life-expectancy increases
Reduced economic growth as consumption falls
No guarantee remittances will continue long-term
Poland & Migration:
Push (out of Poland):
Lack of healthcare
Low wages - GDP per capita: $6,681 (2004)
Less regulated workers' rights (esp before joining EU in 2004)
Housing shortages
Pull (to the UK):
Job opps - higher wages - GDP per capita: $40,210 (2004)
Better standard of living
Better education
Established Polish communities
Social Welfare
Poland joined EU in 2004 - used to be easier to migrate to UK
Around 130,000 to UK from Poland
Why are Polish migrants now leaving?
Disappointed - didn't live up to expectations
Xenophobia - Brexit exacerbated
Not as easy to migrate anymore (can't bring family) due to Brexit
50% of those that arrived since 2004 have left
Economic crisis - value of £ decreased - less cost effective to stay
Polish economy continued to grow - wages increased - living cost stablised
2004 - A8 countries joined EU including Poland
A8 standard of living 40% lower than EU states