creating a multifunctional cat tree
how tall will the cat tree initially be ?
how will i make it
what features can satisfy a cat ?
what materias should i use ?
1 mtere
a metre 50 cm
2 metres
what will the functions be?
cat string with a toy attached
scratching post
cat bed
how many color ways should there be ?
how many cats wil be able to use the cat tree at a time ?
1 cat
5 kittens
2 cats
how will i make it comfortable for the cat
fabric for aestetics
rope for a scartcjhing post
wood for the base
holes for sleeping safety
amazon reviews
adding climbing levels
i will make it by using other cat trees that are well reviewed and take the parts the customers enjoyed the most
toys so the cat is abe to play
how is this product cat friendly ?
how many levels will the cat tree have to climb?
will the cat bed be exposed to daylight or enclosed ?
using a soft fabric so that the cat can keep warmth
click to edit
adding soft beddings such as pillows or blankets
2 levels
3 levels
0 levels with a cat house at the top
there wont be any sharp edges
the fur on the cat tree wont have ant dust collection
easy to clean because roof on closed places can be detached
cats will be able to climb easy without falling or needing nails to climb
how will the cat tree be cleaner
the fabric on the cat tree will be rewash-able and easy to take off