Spanish Language
It is the part of Grammar that studies the sentence and its classes
The Statement
is the minimum unit of communication and a unit
basic syntax
it's divided in
non sentence
this verb form does not appear
statements characterized by
presence of a verb form
The function of the subject
Subject and Preposition usage
The subject can have as a complement all the
words that join with or without a preposition, to clarify or complete
its meaning
Subject and Agreement
Grammatical agreement is the agreement of the grammatical accidents of the words that are related to each other within a sentence, governing each other.
Syntagmatic realizations of the subject
The concept of syntagma is a notion that is born
with structuralism
The subject is, then, that (person, animal or thing) that something is said or commented on in a sentence and that concerts in morpheme of number and morpheme of person with the verb that is the nucleus of the predicate
Subject and impersonality
sentence without a subject
Two basic types must be distinguished.
False impersonals (semantic impersonals)
They do not have a subject but they can have it (= it is omitted
True impersonals (syntactic impersonals)
They neither have a subject nor can they have one
the sentence
convey a coherent message or information
They are divided into unimembers and bimembers.
Elements of the sentence.
it is the person or thing about which we say something
. It is what we say about the subject
sentence syntax
compound or complex sentence
It is the union of two or more
"simple sentences"
types of compound sentence
• Juxtaposed
• coordinated
• subordinates.
Types of Simple Sentences
• Exclamative.
• Interrogatives.
• Total \Partial
• Imperatives or Hortatives.
• Wishive.
• Doubtful or Possibility
is made up of a phrase
nominal - subject plus a predicate phrase.
Syntactic procedure of the Spanish sentence
The most frequent syntactic order in Spanish is S+V+C (Subject, verb and complements
The verb forms the core of the sentence
characteristics of the verb
It is the core of the predicate and the center of all its complements
expresses the grammatical person of the subject
Places its meaning and that of the entire sentence in the present, the past, or the future
The verb fulfills the function of being the most important word of the predicate, that is, its nucleus
It is around this nucleus, the verb, that the other words that make up the sentence are organized.
function of complement
The direct complement (object) function
that sentence element whose primary function is to specify the meaning of a very open “semantic range” verb, and which is directly related to the meaning of the verb
The complement function. (Adjacent)
extrinsically modifies the verbal nucleus. Therefore, we can do without it without substantially changing the sentence
The complement function. (Adjacent)
extrinsically modifies the verbal nucleus. Therefore, we can do without it without substantially changing the sentence
The indirect complement (object) function
the CD. Indirect, alludes to the fact that the C.I. completes the verb through the C.D., that is, indirectly