
Converting Electical Energy

Electric Circuits

Atoms: all meterials are made up of atoms. atomo

Static electricity

Load devices:components that recive the electrical energy from the power sources and convert it to other types of useful energy.

Conductor: Components that transport the electrical energy from the power sources to the load devices.

Power sources: Components that supply the necessary electrical energy to the rest of the circuit.

Control Devices: Device that regulate the circuit, they prevent the flow of electric current.

An electric circuit is a series of interconnected components that electric current flows through it, to produce an effect. ODLWU7R5HFH5RH2SESL2CRNPYQ

Protons (positive charge

Neutrons ( neutral charge)

Electrons (negative charge)

Insulator: Material that can not conduct electricity through it.

Is a phenomenon caused by the acumulation charge in a material electic current is related to moving charges.


Ohm`s law

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Main electric variables

Voltage:this is the difference of the charge between two points, which makes the electrons move.

Resistnace: this is the opposition to the flow of the electicity current.

Current: this is the intensity of the current or the amount of electrons flowing through a conductor.

is a equation made by Georg simon ohm, which states: the current in a circuit is directly proportional to the potencial difference impressed across it ends.

Motion: we can also convert electricity motion using motor.

Sound: we can use electrical energy to tranmit sounds through microphones

Heat: when electrons move through a conductor or load devices, they create friction whith the materials.

Light: we acn convert electricity to light through load devices.